Richard Dodds: Winner of EuGMS best oral communication award
We recently had the opportunity to showcase the group’s research at the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) conference which took place on-line in early October. We presented on a range of topics that are highly relevant to the healthcare of older people.
Richard Dodds won the EuGMS best oral communication award for the work he led on the prevalence and factors associated with poor performance in the 5-chair stand test, in collaboration with the MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. Following the inclusion of the 5-chair stand test in the revised European consensus definition for sarcopenia, this work sought to understand which groups are at greatest risk of poor performance and should be a priority for assessment in clinical settings. Richard also gave a talk on the Newcastle COvid Vulnerable Older People (COVOP) Report as part of a symposium on the impact of COVID-19 on care home settings.
The conference was also an opportunity to showcase the findings from the MIlkMAN Pilot Study. Antoneta Granic, lead for the study, described the feasibility and acceptability of this milk and resistance exercise intervention. Chris Hurst reported the training response to the intervention. Lorelle Dismore examined motivators and barriers to engagement with the study. To find out more about the MIlkMAN work, see recent open-access publications here and here.
Finally, Miles Witham, on behalf of Sarah Richardson, presented the results from an on-line survey conducted with researchers in ageing about doing research and lessons learned in the world of Covid-19.
We are also excited to have several presentations at the upcoming British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting. Please follow the group on Twitter @NewcastleAGE for the latest updates.
Last modified: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 11:49:10 GMT