'At 75 all my muscles are in pretty good shape!'

Professor Avan Sayer, AGE Research Group lead, was delighted to receive an email recently from one of the participants in our virtual engagement event. Ros Wilson emailed Avan to say:
"It reminded me that you gave an impressive talk to the VOICE Research Support Group about 18 months ago on sarcopenia. I was motivated by your talk and although I was practising daily Pilates, walking and Scottish country dancing (now stopped), my upper arm muscles were sagging. So, on the strength of your lecture, I bought 3k dumbbells and began doing just 4 exercises each morning, after Pilates; biceps, triceps, laterals and shoulder presses and now I no longer hide my upper arms under long sleeves! So, at 75 all my muscles are in pretty good shape. And I feel very fit, thank you for making me think!”.
Great to hear about the impact of Avan’s talk and to know that Ros is enjoying the benefits of resistance exercise training to maintain muscle strength.
Last modified: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 09:59:44 BST