AGE Research Group receives £3.85 million funding award
Professor Avan Sayer is the PI for the newly funded, four year ADMISSION Collaborative, with Professor Miles Witham, Professor Sian Robinson and Dr Richard Dodds as co-investigators. This new partnership between Newcastle University and Newcastle Hospitals Trust, together with Birmingham University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University College London and the University of Dundee, seeks to transform our understanding of how different long-term conditions cluster or group together, why people are affected more often by some groups of conditions than others, and how hospital systems look after people with different groups of conditions.
For further information please see the NIHR Newcastle BRC Website.
To stay up to date with the latest news and to be the first to hear about upcoming job vacancies with the project, please follow @AdmissionCollab on Twitter.
Last modified: Tue, 02 Mar 2021 09:51:56 GMT