
Newcastle University

Professor Avan Aihie Sayer

  • Director, NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre & Professor of Geriatric Medicine
  • Avan is the Principal Investigator of the ADMISSION Research Collaborative

Professor Miles Witham

  • Professor of Trials for Older People based at the NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre, honorary Consultant Geriatrician at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Miles leads the Data and Care Pathways work packages within the ADMISSION Research Collaborative

Professor Rachel Cooper

  • Professor of Translational Epidemiology
  • Rachel leads the Inequalities and Statistics work packages within the ADMISSION Research Collaborative. Since July 2023, she has also been lead for Patient and Public Involvement & Engagement

Professor Sian Robinson

  • Professor of Lifecourse and Lifestyle
  • Sian was the Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) lead for the ADMISSION Research Collaborative until June 2023

Professor Heather Cordell

  • Professor of Statistical Genetics
  • Heather leads the Genetics work package within the ADMISSION Research Collaborative

Professor Fiona Matthews

  • Professor of Epidemiology, Dean Research and Innovation
  • Fiona is leading on the statistical techniques needed to identify clusters of long-term conditions, and how to carry out this work using several different sources of data

Professor Paolo Missier

  • Professor of Big Data Analytics
  • Paolo is leading on the use of complex computing techniques to analyse trajectories of care and extract novel information from routinely collected clinical health records.

Professor Thomas Scharf

  • Professor of Social Gerontology
  • Tom is looking at how socio-demographic factors and life-course experiences contribute to unequal experiences of hospitalisation amongst people with multiple long-term conditions

Dr Chris Plummer

  • Informatics Lead, Newcastle BRC and Chief Clinical Informatics Officer, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Chris is leading on provision and use of routinely collected clinical data from Newcastle Hospitals Foundation Trust

University of Birmingham

Professor Elizabeth Sapey

  • Director of the HDRUK Acute Care Data Hub (PIONEER); Professor of Acute and Respiratory Medicine and Director of the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing
  • Liz will be ensuring that ADMISSION has access to the detailed data required to understand how multiple long term conditions accrue over time, and what the care needs are for patients

Professor Tom Marshall

  • Professor of Public Health and Primary Care
  • Tom brings an interest in the methods for analysis of multimorbidity clustering

University College London

Professor Mervyn Singer

  • Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at University College London and Critical care lead for the National Institute of Health Research Health Informatics Collaborative
  • Mervyn is leading on data provision from University College London Hospitals and from the Collaborative to support analyses of patients admitted to critical care

University of Dundee

Professor Ewan Pearson

  • Professor of Diabetic Medicine
  • Ewan is leading on the use of genetic information to better understand the mechanisms underpinning clusters of long-term conditions

Patient and Public advisors

Victoria Bartle

  • Public Co-applicant
  • Victoria has been involved in Public & Patient Involvement work since leaving employment in 2016 due to multiple long-term conditions. Victoria is also a blogger, speaker and freelance writer

Ray Holding

  • Public Co-applicant
  • Ray is an active member of his local hospital Trust and is involved in patient access and improvement events. Ray has personal experience of living with multiple long-term conditions.