ADMISSION is a Research Collaborative funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) (2021 - 2025) that brings together scientists, clinicians and people with lived experience from five UK universities and hospitals (Newcastle University and Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, University of Birmingham (PIONEER – the Health Data Research UK Acute Care Hub), Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Dundee and University College London) to transform understanding of multiple long-term conditions in people admitted to hospital.
Living with multiple long-term conditions (MLTC, also known as multimorbidity), is common among people admitted to hospital. People living with MLTC often stay in hospital for longer and their recovery may be slower. However, the way that care is delivered in hospital is not ideal; in a system that was designed for the treatment of single conditions, the care of people with MLTC can be unsatisfactory, inefficient and costly. To date there has been little research on MLTC in the hospital setting, which is crucial to understand how services need to be changed.
To deliver the knowledge needed to transform NHS systems of care for people with MLTC admitted to hospital, ADMISSION combines expertise in clinical medicine, epidemiology, informatics, computing, biostatistics, social science, genetics and care pathway mapping.
We draw on this interdisciplinary expertise and the lived experiences of our patient advisory group to interrogate patterns of MLTC among people admitted to hospital, investigate inequalities, risk factors and mechanisms, and characterise pathways of care.
To do this we align sets of routinely collected electronic health record data from large UK teaching hospitals, population-based cohort data from UK Biobank and routinely collected blood samples from the Scottish Health Research Register and Biobank (SHARE). This is complemented by qualitative research that explores the perspectives of healthcare professionals and the lived experience of people with MLTC admitted to hospital.
By taking an integrative, interdisciplinary approach, and working in partnership with patients and the public, ADMISSION is developing a comprehensive picture of MLTC in the hospital setting.