ASB-STFC Astrobiology Summer School

John attended the 4 day even in the summer of 2019. This was an oppurtunity to gain a crash course in Astrobiological topics and meet other early career scientists; with this in mind the meeting started with pizza and the film The Martian at the Brass Monkey in Edinburgh. The course was broken down into 4 daily sessions: Introduction to Astrobiology, Techniques for Astrobiology, Applied Astrobiology and Astrobiology in the UK.
Manish Patel, Astrobiology Society of Britain Chair Introduction and Welcome
Charles Cockell, University of Edinburgh Astrobiology Primer
Manish Patel, The Open University/RAL Space Space Missions Primer
Frances Butcher, Open University Mars Primer
Mark Fox-Powell, University of St. Andrews Icy Moons Primer
Duncan Forgan, University of St. Andrews Exoplanets Primer
Colin Cunningham, University of Edinburgh ATC Intro
Alistair Glasse, University of Edinburgh Spectroscopy Techniques
Lewis Dartnell, University of Westminster Spectroscopy in Astrobiology
Elyse Allendar, The University of St. Andrews Imaging in Astrobiology
Ashley King, Natural History Museum Meteorites Primer
Terry Kee, University of Leeds Biochemistry Primer
Sophie Nixon, University of Manchester Extremophiles Primer
Sean McMahon, University of Edinburgh Taphonomy Primer
UK Space Agency UK Space Agency introduction
Last modified: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 12:57:56 GMT