RAE "Digital Literacy" Indo-UK project
This India-UK collaboration will focus on the development of an Industry 4.0 vision which is synchronized with industrial partner’s vision and expectations from an engineering curriculum perspective. This will be boosted through the development of a Factory 4.0 educational test bench to be deployed by both, academics and students at PSG (Coimbatore) with input from the Aeronautical Development Agency (Bangalore) and UK academics and students from Newcastle University. It will also explore the uptake of the new formulation with mechanical, process and manufacturing engineering students. The general aim will be to define a precise Industry 4.0 working framework as the base for setting expected outcomes from engineering graduate programs via an initial stake holders meeting/summit.The project will involve a diagnostic stakeholders meeting, were both countries’ Industry 4.0 visions (based on official reports) and local academic and industry needs, will be mapped into existing engineering undergraduate programs, both at PSG and Newcastle. This will help the team identify synergies as well as specific modules, contents and materials to be developed during the project.
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Ganesh Kumar (PSG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India)
Dr Javier Munguia (Newcastle University, UK)
Mr. Muruthanayagam Manager (PSG Industrial Institute, Coimbatore, India)