News & Events


Lab Retreat Summer 2018



Happy Christmas 2017!



06 December 2017: Samy Rima joins the lab as new postdoc. Wellcome Samy!


27 November 2017: Katharine defends her PhD in Nijmegen! Congrats, Katharine!


27 January 2017: We celebrate Marcus' successful viva and Michael's upcoming Neuron publication. Congrats to both!


10 October 2016: Katharine's work on correlated neuronal activity published in Scientific Reports is online.


13 June: Our new powerful laser for Optogenetics arrives.


6-8 June 2016: Frankfurt branch of the lab is visiting Newcastle! We had a nice SensFest symposium together with the Petkov and Thiele labs and many great discussions.


20 May 2016: Our equipment from Frankfurt arrives and our electrophysiology rigs are mounted.


02 May 2016: Joscha Schmiedt successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Joscha!


April 2016: Michael Ortiz joins the Schmid lab as post-doc. Wellcome Michael!


March 2016: Our paper on cell-targeted optogenetics is online at Neuron!


January 2016: Marcus Haag joins the Schmid lab. Wellcome Marcus!


January 2016: Schmid lab in Newcastle opens!


December 2015: Schmid lab begins with work on ERC starting grant.       ‌


May 2015: Michael Schmid appointed Senior Lecturer for Systems Neuroscience at the Institute of Neuroscience of Newcastle University, UK. Jointly, Michael remains Emmy Noether group leader at his lab at Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience in Frankfurt, Germany until April 2017.