Dr Shannon Flynn

Dr Shannon Flynn is the Lecturer in Inorganic Geochemistry at Newcastle University. His work is broadly focused on determining the mechanisms and transformations by which metals move in environmental systems via biotic and abiotic pathways. For prior to joining Newcastle University in 2017, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Alberta as a part of an interdisciplinary team working to characterize the inorganic and organic chemistry and toxicity of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water from hydraulically fractured shale gas wells. Through this project, the multi-institutional collaborators worked in partnership with the Encana Corporation, a hydraulic fracturing company, who provided flowback water samples. During this project, he developed expertise in the studying and formation of secondary precipitates in flowback waters and their role in concentrating contaminates. He is continuing to build on this work and is continuing to collaborate with Dan Alessi (University of Alberta), and Encana Corporation.