Professor Tony Doré
Talk Title: Petroleum, Geoscience and the New Energy Reality
Professor Tony Doré held senior technical and leadership positions with Equinor (formerly Statoil) for 25 years, including VP Exploration Americas (2002-2008). He is now Global Chief Scientist with the Energy & Geoscience Institute (EGI, University of Utah), and is based in London.
He has worked petroleum provinces all over the world, with emphasis on offshore NW Europe, the Arctic and the Americas, and has published papers and edited books on these and many other geoscience topics. Current interests include transform margins, onshore basins (cratonic basins and forelands) and the energy transition.
Tony currently holds an Honorary Professorship at Durham University, and has been the recipient of several awards for services to geology, including the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2010.