Advice from alumni

Advice header image

Our Sociology and Politics & Sociology alumni who participated in this research have gone into a number of different careers. As with our current students, some of them had a really clear idea of what they wanted to do after their degrees. But equally many had no idea, and took some time to figure out their pathway. Regardless of which pathway into employment they took, they all had some really excellent advice to share with you about life after your degree, and what different things you might want to consider whilst you are still a student, as well as when it comes time to seek employment (whether if during or after your degree, or both). 

Take home messages3

  • Newcastle is a great city to be a student, and there are also many opportunities in the city and off campus to get involved in ways that can help you build your CV.
  • If you are interested in volunteering, the Careers Service can offer advice, and so too can this website
  • Your Dissertation work can be really useful for your cv in two ways: both the skills you are learning from it (independent research, time management, critical analysis, writing a substantial document) and for some, a particular field of work that can lead onto other things.
  • If you are feeling overwhelmed by it all, don’t panic – there are so many different careers out there and so many different pathways into them – and it is ok to not know immediately how things are going to develop.