Gender Research Group

The Gender Research Group brings together the large number of scholars from different subject areas who work on what has become a strong feature of scholarly activity at Newcastle University, building on the work accomplished by the former successful Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies.  It is one of the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Research Development Groups.

A critical category of analysis for international research, engagement and collaboration, gender is now a key factor of research impact on society in Medicine and in Sciences as well as in the Humanities and Social Sciences: it has diversified into different sub-groups relating to –

  • sexual identities in arts and humanities
  • history of gender relations in texts and contexts
  • rights and inequalities
  • politics of representation
  • feminism
  • applied policy matters

The Gender Research Group brings together scholars primarily, but not exclusively, from within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, including Arts, Law, Culture and Music, Education, English, Geography, History, Modern Languages, Politics, Sociology.

The purpose of the GRG is to organise events that bring together scholars from these diverse sub-groups to strengthen the impact of their research and to create new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and methods of inquiry.

Visit the Gender Research Group Facebook page to comment on the events and themes of the Research Group.

To join the GRG mailing list, for updated information on events and for circulation of relevant research activities in the field of gender, feminist and women’s studies, please contact Stacy Gillis (