GLOBAL Sustainable Energy through China-UK Research Engagement (SECURE) project will bring together the research capabilities and expertise of staff at Newcastle University and a number of leading Chinese Universities to form an international ‘best with best’ collaboration. This collaboration will address the globally important challenge of achieving sustainable and clean energy.
The key objective of the project will be to use international engagement to focus on crucial technological challenges which can support substantial energy reductions and a supply of clean, secure energy. This engagement will enhance existing UK-China research relationships, build new links with the top universities in China, and strengthen the competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the UK and China. The project is highly relevant to the UK government’s energy strategy to secure the future energy supply and achieve national targets for greenhouse gas emissions.
The research and engagement activities in the project have huge potential to benefit a large cross section of society in the UK and China including academia, industry and society as a whole. Engagement activities will result in an integration of the expertise and capacities from both sides, forming a strong team to tackle the important challenge to achieving sustainable energy supply generation and to use energy sustainably. The collaboration will also generate revolutionary concepts and methods for sustainable energy in the future with the use of multidisciplinary technologies from the research collaboration. The engagement in research on the field of sustainable energy with the partners in China will improve and enhance UK and China competitiveness in the field of sustainable energy, which is a rapidly expanding worldwide market.
The work will generate further new research ideas and/or fundamental knowledge of the way to achieve sustainable energy supply, which will be of benefit to other academic and industrial researchers working in the areas. Other beneficiaries include UK plc through economic benefits such as the development of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), employment, and the training of research staff. Also, society and commerce would benefit economically in the long term through reduced energy costs and reduced emissions if the ‘sustainable energy supply’ concept, accompanied by new development of the technologies, are subsequently commercialised.