2019 participants

William Fostier

  • MBBS
  • Effects of incremental doses of high-nitrate beetroot juice on health outcomes in overweight and obese older subjects: a qualitative assessment of the key strengths and weaknesses of the study

Beetroot juice (BJ) has a high nitrate content and it has been frequently used in interventions to test the effects of nitrate on health.. Preliminary animal and human investigations have reported an improvement of cognitive function (memory and executive performance) after dietary nitrate supplementation. However, all available trials have been characterised by young and healthy participants, small sample sizes and short intervention durations. This means that most of the studies may not have been designed optimally to observe any potential benefits. This research project evaluates the feasibility a 3-month intervention with incremental doses of high-nitrate BJ in older subjects while also assessing effects of BJ on brain and vascular health. The results of this study demonstrate that long-term intervention with incremental doses of high-nitrate BJ in overweight and obese older subjects is feasible and well accepted by participants.


Funding source: Newcastle University


Project supervisor: Dr Mario Siervo