2018 participants

Reham Sedeeq

  • Mpharm Pharmacy
  • A Time and Motion Study to assess the impact of a novel medication administration scanning device on nursing efficiency

Health Information Technology interventions can minimise errors and improve patient outcomes. However, the impact of such interventions on nurses must also be considered. A validated structured questionnaire (Medication Administration System-Nurses Assessment Satisfaction scale) was distributed to nurses on 16 wards to explore their satisfaction with the current drug administration process. The questionnaire focused on three main areas: (a) safety and (b) efficacy of the process, and (c) access, which received average scores of 2.3, 2.6 and 2.6 respectively (a score of 1= extremely satisfied and a score of 6= extremely dissatisfied). Nurses aged <25 yrs were more satisfied with how readily available medicines were in comparison to nurses aged 50 and above. Nurses were most content with the ease of following the 5-rights (administering the right medication at the right time to the right patient etc.). Potential improvement areas were identified, including the turnaround time of obtaining medicines from pharmacy. 

Funding source: Newcastle University

Supervisor: Dr Sarah Slight