2018 participants

Megan Keates

  • BA Hons Ancient History & Archaeology
  • Discovering Hampton Gay: the landscape of a ruined manor house.

Discovering Hampton Gay was arranged as a response to a general understanding I had taken at my summer work of what people had of local heritage. There is little openness about privately owned heritage however much the general public is interested- this research scholarship was aimed at resolving this by the Manor site in particular. The final poster displays the development of the Parish area from prehistory to the postmedieval. This work was achieved with site visits, a series of aerial photography from the 1940s onwards, online archive research and using open-source methods like non-evasive LiDAR and map regression to achieve a wider understanding of the landscape meanwhile protecting the Scheduled Monuments. The key outcomes of this project were to draw this information out from distant and separated sources to provide a clearer understanding of the Site’s history and to make this accessible.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Supervisor: Dr Caron Newman