2018 participants

Katherine Miles

  • BA (Hons) Linguistics
  • A Heritage Language Hub for Low-educated Adult Immigrants’ Home Languages

For migrants, mastering the language of their new country is vital for integration. Many migrants have had limited or no formal education, and thus learning a new language is even harder. This research project aims to collect literary materials in migrants’ home languages. These links are stored on a central hub which can be accessed by teachers and students. All materials are electronic, so communities can access them from around the world. Adult education teachers and migration statistics guided the focus towards 32 home languages. The hub contains 107 links to over 5200 resources. To improve accessibility, the hub categorises materials into suggested age and reading level. Thus, teachers can use this language resource hub to recommend books to students. The next stage is to develop a guide to using the resource hub. We hope the hub will be used by students who can then in turn assist the learning of the whole community.

 Funding source: Newcastle University

 Project Supervisor: Prof Martha Young-Scholten