2018 participants

Craig Lacey

  • MChem (Hons) Chemistry
  • Experimental analysis of N-heterocycles: Imidazoles

The focus of the research in the group is currently based on isolating compounds at a temperature of 2 K, often which are useful in biological systems, to identify structure and any bonding interactions that take place. This provides a foundation that allows for further chemical analysis or synthesis to be carried out.

Microwave Spectroscopy is a powerful tool in molecular structure determination. The Chirped Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave (CP-FTMW) spectrometer at Newcastle University features a supersonic valve for intense cooling of molecules and a globally unique laser ablation source for rapid gas phase generation of solids. During the project, spectra of some Imidazole derivatives (2-methyl-4-(5)-nitroimidazole and 4-(5)-methylimidazole) were recorded and rotational constants, centrifugal distortion constants and nuclear quadrupole coupling constants were determined. In addition, laser ablation afforded the fragmentation of the parent molecules which lead to observations of the astrochemically important CH3CN, CH3CH2CN and HC3N.

Funded by: Newcastle University

Project Supervisor: Nicholas Walker