2018 participants

Catherine Morrison

  • BSc Speech and Language Sciences
  • Evaluating the use of a web-based assessment of reading for people with aphasia.

People with aphasia (PWA), communication difficulties after stroke, often have problems with reading; this impacts their ability to understand everyday text e.g. newspapers. The Comprehensive Assessment of Reading in Aphasia (CARA) has been developed as a web-based assessment for use by Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs). The test assesses comprehension of words, sentences and paragraphs and then produces a report about the client’s performance. This research evaluated the format, presentation and ease of use of the assessment from the perspective of both SLTs (via a survey) and PWA (via a focus group). Results showed all the SLTs found the assessment easy to use. PWA desired larger navigation buttons and shorter sentences in the instructions. Both groups found the provision of a report useful however PWA would prefer a summary of the information provided. Both groups preferred the web-based assessment to a paper-based one however recommended offering the choice.

Funding source: Newcastle University

Supervisor: Dr Julie Morris & Dr Janet Webster