2018 participants

Anthony Sweeting

  • Theoretical Physics
  • Relativistic corrections to Schrödinger's equation based on the Zeroth Order Regular Approximation

Most problems in modern physics are solved using one of two fundamental theories, quantum mechanics or Einstein's theory of relativity. Quantum mechanics describes the physics of the very small, and Einstein’s special relativity describes the physics of the extremely fast (close to the speed of light).

When we come to consider very heavy atoms, however, their electrons are travelling close to the speed of light. To accurately describe their motion, we must combine the equations of quantum mechanics with those of special relativity. A promising way to achieve this is to use the `zeroth order regular approximation' (ZORA) if its two main drawbacks can be ameliorated, namely gauge invariance and poor description of core electrons. This project aims to address both of these deficiencies by appropriate, system specific, modification of the kinetic energy operator. This should lead to a hitherto unprecedented balance between accuracy and efficiency.

Funded by: Newcastle University

Project Supervisor: Dr. Mark Rayson