2014 participants

Mohammad Hussain

  • BEng Mechanical Engineering
  • Investigation of sputtering of organic semiconductors and other soft materials.

The primary aim of the research project was to inspect some of the effects of sputtering on organic semiconductor materials e.g. Alq3, PEDOT:PSS, Znq and soft materials like Lignin, Glucosamine, New Born Calf serum and Sucrose, etc. This required the preparation of flat layers of such materials with very low surface roughness, appropriate for producing well defined etches using Argon gas ion beam sputtering. Flat layers in effect aided the measurement of step heights of the etches using 3D Viewer profiling software on Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images, White light Interferometry and using Alicona Optical Profilometer.

Funding Source: Newcastle University