2013 Participants

Matthew Todd

  • BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences
  • How Important Is Gastroduodenal Reflux In Lung Transplant Rejection?

The aim of my research was to assess the importance of duodeno-gastro-oesophageal reflux (DGOR) in airway diseases and the effect of duodenal aspiration/contents on airway epithelia. The obtained information may be useful in the management of airway conditions as well as lung transplant rejection. The method involved simulating a DGOR event, by applying a sample of duodenal juice to a cancer cell line (HT29-MTX goblet cells) with the characteristics of lung goblet cells. Cell viability was then measured by a metabolic assay, based on the detection of ATP, and the immunogenicity measured by the cytokines produced such as IL-8. 

Funding source: Newcastle University