2012 Participants

Kathryn Gray

  • BSc (Hons) Genetics
  • The role of rRNA modification in ribosome function

Two factors involved in ribosome biogenesis are PNO1 and NOB1. These form a complex and are involved in the pre-rRNA processing which leads to 18S formation. I optimised the conditions under which the complex of PNO1 and NOB1 could be formed and purified so that their interaction and role in 18S formation could be further investigated. Ribosome biogenesis is extremely important in the cell: approximately half of the energy a cell produces is used for this. Genetic diseases in which one of the many ribosome biogenesis or ribosomal proteins is affected include: Diamond Blackfan Anaemia, Dyskeratosis and Treacher Collins Syndrome.

Funding source: Wellcome Trust