ESRC Brexit Project

Brexit: How might UK Agriculture thrive or survive?

This project will assess the impacts of UK agricultural policy scenarios following Brexit by integrating state of the art economic modelling approaches at both sector and farm levels. It will provide the UK Government, its devolved administrations and other stakeholders with cohesive and robust analysis to support future policy development and decision making.

Our primary target audiences are the policy advisors and decision makers and the devolved administrations, while the principal beneficiaries are the agricultural community of the UK and associated interest groups who are involved with and affected by changes in agricultural and related trade policies. In addition, we expect to generate both results and research methods of considerable interest to other researchers and policy analysts focused on agricultural and trade policy, both within the UK, and elsewhere in Europe and the world.

Brexit: What you need to know

The facts: Hard versus Soft Brexit

Prioritising food trade

Securing the best deal with the EU on food trade must be a priority

ESRC Workshop “UK in a Changing Europe: Brexit Priority Grants”

Project Workshop: Options for future UK Agricultural Policy

Brexit team at Westminster

Brexit team speaking to HoLs

Brexit Event at Solihull- Fit for the Future

Brexit: How might UK Agriculture thrive or Survive?

Fit for the future- the future of UK Agriculture

Brexit: How might UK Agriculture thrive or Survive?