Archive Interview: Y08i002

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Age Group:





Tyneside - Newcastle (born in Chester-le-Street, County Durham)


Higher Education


University Student

Speaker 3:


Age Group:





Tyneside - Newcastle (born in North Shields, North Tyneside)


Higher Education


University Student


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  Interview Transcript

Speaker 1:

OK thanks (pause) right (pause) so you're both obviously at Newcastle University, so what courses are you studying?

Speaker 2:

Er civil engineering.

Speaker 3:

And I'm doing marketing and management.

Speaker 1:

How are you finding it then?

Speaker 3:

It was er (pause) I like it it's good. It's all right. Yours?

Speaker 2:

High maths based but quite tedious, boring can't stand it, don't want to do it but just slogging on to get it finished.

Speaker 1:

Oh dear that doesn't sound good (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Are you in your second year as well?

Speaker 2:

Yeah sort of, it's we had a bit of a mix up with modules so I'm doing a mixture of first year modules second year modules

Speaker 3:

Ah right, (interruption) yeah.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) bit of a -- bit of a cock-up.

Speaker 3:

Ah right. Ah well. Where did you go do you're A-Levels? (interruption) Did you

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I went down to Loughborough.

Speaker 3:

Oh right was it good?

Speaker 2:

It was all right, em it was in the military Academy down with like, do you know (NAME) (NAME) and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

W- w- were you from Saint Mary's last year?

Speaker 3:

No, I (interruption) like -- I didn't get into er halls

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Oh.

Speaker 3:

because (interruption) I live too close

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Oh right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No I thought you knew these lot through Saint Mary's.

Speaker 3:

Ah yeah I do I -- well I know everyone through (NAME)

Speaker 2:

Oh right.

Speaker 3:

'cause (NAME)'s on my course

Speaker 2:

Oh fair (interruption) enough.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) and so is (NAME) as well so that's how I know everyone so.

Speaker 1:

So em did yous find it hard to adjust to living a student lifestyle after coming from school or did you manage to settle in ok?

Speaker 3:

E- Em I thought it was all right but with living from Newcastle anyway, I stayed at home for my first year whereas so moving wasn't I -- I haven't moved that far away 'cause I only live in like North Shields so it hasn't -- haven't moved like far which means it's a bit easier, much easier to move away.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Move out rather than stay at home

Speaker 2:

Well coming to uni was like coming back home after going down to Loughborough (interruption) to do my A-Levels

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

so been away from home it's like my fourth year away from home so it doesn't really bother me any more it's just sort of

Speaker 1:

Not fussed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. (interruption) Another house

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Nah.

Speaker 2:

yeah moving again.

Speaker 1:

Aye very good. So em (pause) you're both living in Jesmond, yeah?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah. So how are you finding it then?

Speaker 3:

It's all right. It's good, I like it. Whereabouts do you live?

Speaker 2:

At like the top of Osborne Road up by (pause) West Jesmond Metro station

Speaker 3:

Ah right. (interruption) Cool.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) So it's a bit ex- well rent's a bit expensive but there's plenty of pubs so it (interruption) balances out nicely.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah (pause) Ah right. (interruption) Whereabouts are you from in Newcastle?

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter) Mm.

Speaker 2:

Er w- like just from Chester-le-Street.

Speaker 3:

Ah right

Speaker 2:

It's like twelve mile away.

Speaker 3:

Ah cool. Aye. I'm from like North Shields area so it's like probably the same (interruption) distance to you

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:

Just (interruption) different direction.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (unclear) yeah

Speaker 1:

So (NAME), are you enjoying it a lot more this year now that you're like not living at home?

Speaker 3:

Yeah it's much easier 'cause without having to travel in 'cause I used to have to like leave at probably eight o'clock to drive in with rush-hour traffic and everything and then park 'cause I couldn't park in town 'cause it was too expensive. So then I had to walk from like Jesmond area anyway into town so it's much much better and much easier as well especially for going on nights out, it's cheaper for taxis er just to st- stay here rather than having to go all the way home or stay on (NAME)'s floor.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Em what about your flatmates, do you get on all right with them?

Speaker 3:

Em they're all right, I mean there's quite a mix and we don't know one of them 'cause like two of our housemates dropped out so we had to get two extra people and one of them I've known since like Primary School and who's on the same course as one of my other flatmates, but I don't really know her but she's getting a bit annoying because she does nothing but I can't really say I need to like say (interruption) will you get off your        and do stuff

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 3:

But er no it's all right, I quite like it. It's quite good.

Speaker 1:

What about you (NAME) (interruption) do you get on all right with yours?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah it's all right er I live with people who I was at college with so I've known like three or four year now but er it's only small, there's only like fo- three of us so it's a bit quiet so there's -- there's never anyone in we're always just disappearing and come back and

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

'cause we're all on like different courses and have different groups of friends which was -- was easier with us being all away together so it was quicker.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Do you live in a flat or a house?

Speaker 2:

It's like a maisonette

Speaker 3:

Ah right.

Speaker 2:

a flat at the bottom and we've got the second and third (interruption) floor

Speaker 3:

(interruption) The second and third floor. Ah right cool.

Speaker 1:

How many in your house (NAME)?

Speaker 3:

Er there's seven of wuh so it's like a f- full house instead of like a flat. So it's quite big, it's all right. It's cool.

Speaker 1:

What about part-time jobs? Have either of you got a part-time job?

Speaker 2:

I -- well I'm doing a military Bursary Scheme that's why I'm at uni to go to Sandhurst when I'm finished so I get money off them for working like I spent Aug- er s- end of August early all of September over in Canada working with the army so I don't really need no job, just a stint with that and they've give me bursaries for every year so it's -- (interruption) works out all right.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Oh right very good. So what do you want to be when you leave like?

Speaker 2:

I'm well I've got a place at Sandhurst when I finish my degree so I'll be in a- an officer in the army.

Speaker 1:

Very good.

Speaker 2:

Which is all set, lined-up just waiting to finish my degree. That's why I'm doing a degree I can't (interruption) stand

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

'cause they've told me to do it, can't be bothered arguing now after a year and a half.

Speaker 3:

So do -- do they pay for your degree to do it (interruption) all?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Nah they give me a like a four grand up-front

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And er I can earn a bit more doing this and that like AT and stuff and I spent (interruption) six week

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Uh-huh.

Speaker 2:

spent six weeks out in Canada and about two grand em do like scuba-diving, skiing, sailing (interruption) going skiing

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh right.

Speaker 2:

meant to be going skiing at Christmas just the first two weeks of Christmas

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Down in em (pause) Mont Blanc er l- last Easter I was in Andorra skiing for a couple of weeks

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah sailing in (unclear) in the summer.

Speaker 3:

So did you spend much time in Canada in the summer? Did you spend all summer out there?

Speaker 2:

No just went er end of -- end of August last week of August (interruption) and

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh right.

Speaker 2:

and I got back the first week of October, which meant I missed registration and stuff for uni

Speaker 3:

Oh right.

Speaker 2:

that's why my modules are a bit dodgy this year, and it's a bit

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

a bit of a cluster.

Speaker 3:

Oh right. Whereabouts in Canada did you say you

Speaker 2:

I was in em (pause) the state of Alberta which is the west side

Speaker 3:

Oh right.

Speaker 2:

Em just south -- well I say just south, three hours south of Calgary just outside a place near a place called Suffield or Ralston

Speaker 3:

Oh (interruption) right.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Which is like, it's the size of it's a training area the size of Wales

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and the army like hire rent it off Canada and just blatantly (interruption) turn it into a tank play area.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Aye (pause) Oh right.

Speaker 2:

So I was out there just chilling out, seeing what was going on.

Speaker 3:

So are you going to Sandhurst after you've finished your degree?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

M- Have you been before? My c- I think my cousin went there 'cause he's like an officer in the army.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So I think (interruption) he

Speaker 2:

(interruption) He'll have done his training down there

Speaker 3:

(interruption) yeah

Speaker 2:

Yeah I've been down spent a few weeks down there just not -- not last summer, summer before

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

em a few other I've been like all (interruption) over Cyprus

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Mm (pause) Whereabouts (interruption) i-

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Germany

Speaker 3:

whereabouts is Sandhurst?

Speaker 2:

Er in it's in a place called Camberley it's near Reading, not far from

Speaker 3:

Oh right yeah.

Speaker 2:

like down there

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

South er Sussex I think near Hampshire.

Speaker 3:

Oh right.

Speaker 1:

Is that where William and Harry did all their (interruption) training?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

But Harry was in Canada actually when I was (interruption) there

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Oh right.

Speaker 2:

he was playing enemy

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Very good. What about you (NAME), you got a part-time job?

Speaker 3:

Em I'm like with being at uni, em I'm a waiter as well in Newcastle in a restaurant in town just to make it a bit easier and just have a bit of money, have a bit of work experience 'cause like I have to do a placement next year so the like -- like to have some kind of experience, so I do that. So I -- I enjoy it like I've done it since I was s- s- fifteen I think, not in the same place but just in different places so I enjoy it it's good. It's a good laugh.

Speaker 1:

So er for your placement, what sort of things are you thinking about doing?

Speaker 3:

Well it relates to your er relates to your degree so em you do like marketing or you can do sales or you can do like advertising anything like that so you do it in a company such as like I've applied to like Heinz, M and G Saatchi and places like that and they give you a placement for a year so like you're actually working in the company rather than just (pause) er like work experience and you get paid and stuff for it so it's quite good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

That's good yeah. So do you think you'll have to move away then, for that?

Speaker 3:

Em yeah you move away 'cause there's nothing like there's no really any head offices I don't think in Newcastle I think it's just like mostly down London (interruption) or anywhere else apart from Newcastle really

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 3:

It would be good to move away 'cause I'm sick of living at home or (interruption) living in Newcastle.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Are you? (laughter)

Speaker 3:

It's getting a bit boring.

Speaker 1:

So is that what you want to do when you finish uni then? Like some sort of advertising, or (interruption) something like that?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Uh-huh.

Speaker 3:

Yeah like I took -- I took marketing and management 'cause I h- did business studies at college and High School, but I found it (pause) quite (pause) boring. Well I didn't -- I didn't like bits of it so I took marketing and management. So something along marketing or some branding or advertising or something like that maybe.

Speaker 1:

Very good

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Right so we'll talk a bit about em childhood and family life em (pause) what type of Secondary Schools did you go to? Private or

Speaker 3:

I just went to a normal

Speaker 2:

Yeah normal (interruption) Comprehensive School.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Normal comprehensive. Very good. Did you enjoy Secondary School then?

Speaker 2:

Yeah it was good fun er everyone enjoys Secondary School it's n- just no just mo- monging about doing (interruption) bare minimum

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

and getting away with murder.

Speaker 1:

Yeah pretty much.

Speaker 2:

No hassle no stress.

Speaker 3:

I liked High School, I'd go back to High School if I could, and especially since my High School didn't have a sixth-form, did yours?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

No so I had to go to (pause) college, so like a (interruption) separate college

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Aye. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

so that's was good because yo- you met new people and it was supposedly much more independent, rather than like a sixth-form but I still kind of would have preferred to go st- stay at the High (interruption) School for a bit longer

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 3:

'cause it would have been good, 'cause I liked my High School so

Speaker 2:

No after five years you need a change.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah a bit don't (interruption) you. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Variety of people

Speaker 1:

Mm. Did you ever have a favourite teacher?

Speaker 3:

Er I had ones I hated, 'cause they were just like really strict and really horrible compared to some that were like nice and (interruption) still got people to work

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 3:

there was some just (pause) horrible ones that were just ridiculously strict. Especially for like the kind of school it was, it wasn't really like a (interruption) private school that was strict

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

it was a bit like Grange Hill so

Speaker 1:

(laughter) (interruption) bit like Grange Hill (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) but so for strict people like there was a bit ridiculous some of the teachers, but some of them were all right, some of them were (interruption) canny.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah I've se- seen a few three or four and you see them pass them most of them are from round here anyway so seen three or four of them out on the drink a few times -- times, bumped into one of them this morning who was skiving for the day, he was on a course or (interruption) something

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

but he was wandering down the street doing nothing, monging again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I know whenever I go home like for a night out and you bump into teachers, it's a bit random and seeing them drunk as well it's a bit er (pause) bit dodgy. (interruption) But er

Speaker 3:

(interruption) all the teachers -- all the teachers at my High School were like old so (interruption) thankfully I've never saw anyone out on the       .

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Were they? (laughter) Well em my sister's a teacher and she's only like twenty-three so whenever we go out together she always sees her students out round town. It's quite embarrassing.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

do they say like Miss (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah they shout 'Miss! Miss!'. (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

She hates it.

Speaker 3:

That would (interruption) be horrible.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Em (laughter) Did you ever go on any school trips or anything like that? Any interesting ones?

Speaker 3:

I went on a few. We didn't get to go on many, did you?

Speaker 2:

I -- well early on I did a lot of sk- ah skiing and stuff like that like there was always ski trips in school, did that for three or four years 'cause the teachers ran it with I got along with them pretty well er apart from that no not really to be honest there was not much happening there was nothing, it was all educational so you just didn't bother did you?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It was like 'go and look at this museum' er no.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah I went

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

I went on a history one that was a bit like that, like I thought it would be good it was ju- just to Germany and it was for a couple of days, and quite a few people were going on it and then we went and it was just like walking through trenches and stuff like that and it was really boring. But I did go on one ski trip I think, it was in year ten. But it was to Italy, and Italy's not very good for skiing.

Speaker 2:

Well it depends you probably Nice or something did you?

Speaker 3:

Em it was round Lake Garda, so it was (interruption) like

Speaker 1:

(interruption) I went to Lake Garda on a school trip.

Speaker 3:

Did (interruption) you go skiing?

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Not (interruption) skiing, no (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) no (laughter) (pause) No mine was skiing, it was so        and then there'd be like bits of it just like you'd see grass

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

and that's how bad the (interruption) skiing conditions were

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Aye.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So it (interruption) wasn't exactly the best place to go.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Oh dear.

Speaker 3:

And then went to France and Germany on a trip, but that wasn't educational so that was quite good. That was during Easter so that was a laugh, that was quite good.

Speaker 1:

Mm. We went to Lake Garda round about Easter time. It was red hot.

Speaker 3:

See we went in, I think we went in the week in Febur- do you get a week in February off school?

Speaker 2:

Half-term (interruption) or something.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Half-term.

Speaker 3:

Half-term. We went then, and it was already getting (interruption) warm

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

I mean wor hotel had a pool so one thing it didn't have much aspiration (interruption) to be a ski-resort.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

But em you had to get ski-lifts and u- like (interruption) and that up to it

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 3:

so it was quite good so it was a bit better.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But I never saw Italy as a skiing place anyway.

Speaker 2:

Ah well during like er doing my A-Levels I went and spent two weeks in Red Sea doing scuba-diving

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

wa- which wa- sort of a scub- er school trip but it was good fun. Just lying round on a yacht all day (interruption) and then diving

Speaker 1:

(interruption) You've done loads of exciting stuff haven't you (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter) Is the Red S- Red Sea's (interruption) Egypt isn't it?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah like y-

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

south of Egypt Be- like a place called Berenice or Hurghada em (pause) but it's almost like next country down which is (unclear) like near the border and we were out in le- like come back at night j- just crash, get monged in the hotel and then get up the next morning, jump on a boat, sleep -- sleep it off, go diving, get up, have lunch (pause) dive again and then come back in th- the mid-afternoon evening time and do it all again the day after.

Speaker 3:

Is that (interruption) with your school?

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Sounds good.

Speaker 2:

It well it was my (interruption) college

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh right.

Speaker 2:

and like six- sixth-form was (interruption) like er during

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Was

Speaker 2:

what was it during February half-term or something like that for the two weeks

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

'Cause it's kind of a private school my sixth-form

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Well it's -- it's a bit of a strange sort of set-up.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Em so you like we had two weeks for half-terms and months for Easter and Christmas

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And like three months for summer

Speaker 3:

Oh (interruption) right.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) So we got a lot of time off so we'd just do stupid things like that and just do skiing and stuff (unclear)

Speaker 1:

Sounds like my kind of school (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) I know

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

with my school I got to go to Europe on a (interruption) bus

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

for about twelve hours on a bus. And my like people with college I got, well you didn't get to go to anywhere in college. I think some people went to Rome with Geology, that was it.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) We worked Saturday mornings though that was the worst that was a nightmare, but only worked we only worked -- worked mornings during the week, we'd have afternoons off for sport and (interruption) like er personal development.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Really?

Speaker 3:

So you work, all you did was mornings? (interruption) In college?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah we'd do like (interruption) eight

Speaker 3:

(interruption) From

Speaker 2:

eight till one, have lunch and either go do sport em or do some kind of like ex- had like a big climbing wall so we did some climbing or some kayaking in the swimming pool or er (pause) just mong.

Speaker 3:

See like ours was full- like esp- especially my first year of college I was in like from nine till half-four all the time.

Speaker 2:

No (interruption) we got

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Really?

Speaker 3:

We (interruption) just did work

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Saturday mornings

Speaker 3:

we got like nothing (pause) we did have like Wednesdays which was like enrichment which was a bit sh-

Speaker 1:

Enrichment? (interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Enrichment.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Enrichment was like you could take like different stuff like photography or (pause) hill-walking. It was just weird (interruption) stuff like that

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

no-one like no-one turned up on it right un- except the people who get, you know how some people get money for coming to college?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

that was the on-

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

yeah that was the only people that ever turned up for it. Apart from that we had nothing (interruption) like that

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

we were nine till half-four. (interruption) Second year was a bit easier though 'cause we got -- we got like things off in the second year

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Quite harsh.

Speaker 3:

but first year was nine till half-four. So that was a bit extreme.

Speaker 1:

Yeah 'cause Loughborough's like a sporting place (interruption) isn't it?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) The uni, well the university scene is like it's got top facilities but when you go as a student 'cause I've got a fair few friends down there em 'cause they stayed on like from college and that em but if you're just like average at sport you can't get on an- any pitches or anything because it's all like for the like em (pause) England cricket pl- got a cricket like square there and so they -- they can't get on the cricket pitch 'cause they're always on it, you can't get on the rugby lines because somebody else has always has already got it you just can't (interruption) get pitch time which is pretty shocking

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 2:

they thought they were going to go and play sport all the time and do everything but the can't 'cause they can't they can't afford the prices to get on the pitches and (interruption) stuff which is pretty shocking.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Right.

Speaker 3:

So did you -- was it like -- does Loughborough have a university and a college? (interruption) Or is it just like all integrated?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) It's the college (pause) no the university's complete diff- like place like that it's -- it's called er it's like er w- it's a military (interruption) college

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh right yeah.

Speaker 2:

and it's just like it's just outside Loughborough, a place called Woodhouse Eaves, sort of like ten minutes

Speaker 3:

Oh right yeah.

Speaker 2:

it's like sort of like going from like here like walk- here to town sort of thing

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like it's not that far but er 'cause the city's tiny

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like the city's got one main street and that's it with half as many shops as what you'd have on Northumberland Street

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and it's just like a little tiny city

Speaker 3:

Oh right.

Speaker 2:

It's only a city 'cause it's got a university.

Speaker 3:

Oh right (interruption) yeah.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Pretty much it's -- it's not a great place it's such it's so quiet and quiet and empty I could- I couldn't spend university there, I'd want to top myself. I was bored after two years of college.

Speaker 3:

'Cause Loughborough's a campus uni isn't it, it's

Speaker 2:

Yeah pretty much, pretty much a campus uni 'cause of the un- the uni the city's that small

Speaker 3:

City's that small (interruption) so it's a campus one.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah (unclear) it's pretty much a campus university yeah.

Speaker 3:

See I couldn't g- couldn't have went to a campus university.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but then it's a campus uni that has got so much emphasis on sport so there's not much

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

party culture there it's all like orientated round the gym and

Speaker 3:

Sport (interruption) and stuff.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Sack (interruption) that off

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 2:

Where's the fun? Where's the girls?

Speaker 1:

(laughter) No I couldn't be on with the nightlife I don't think (interruption) in a quiet place like that.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) No (pause) See that's the like that's one of the reasons I stayed in even though I don't think it's Newcastle's as big as they make it out to be. You know how it's one of the top places to go (interruption) in Europe?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) No we're just used to it, I think that's the difference.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah I think that's probably what it is 'cause where I live there's one nightclub and it's literally a terraced house like (laughter)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

and compared to places like Digital it's just (pause) (interruption) no.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) 'Cause we've got we- like near mine I've got Tynemouth and (interruption) Whitley Bay like and the

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

which have slight c- like they have clubs and bars, especially Whitley Bay, but Whitley Bay's like the cl- they've got two clubs in Whitley Bay and one of them's like the size of a (pause) a living room.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Have you been, have you been to like Durham? Have you been out in Durham (interruption) or

Speaker 3:

(interruption) I haven't been out in Durham but doesn't people say that Durham's an all right place like to go out in

Speaker 2:

If you want to drink from afternoon till about midnight

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's great but there's only like one nightclub

Speaker 3:

Ah right.

Speaker 2:

that's just a big box, at like Love Shack down it's new as well but em like that Durham University is pretty much a campus university as well

Speaker 3:

Ah right.

Speaker 2:

it's -- it's that 'cause the nightlife in town's shocking

Speaker 3:

Ah right I didn't (interruption) know that.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) like it's all sort of (pause) people who st- still think they're young but aren't young (interruption) who are out in Durham.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) See Ty- Ty- Tynemouth's a bit like that we've got -- we've got Sammy Jacks which is a bit like a em it's not really a club it's more of like a just a bar which is like a church

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

converted church, see that the latest that stays open till is like half-twelve half-twelve one o'clock maybe so I think I- Tynemouth will be a bit like (interruption) that, maybe Durham's a bit better.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah it's just there's just one club it's just it's all little hubs, it's a bit like sort of similar to The Gate where there's just five or six clubs and pu- like pubs

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

S- open in the same place, open till like twelve one

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and but there's only like one club that closes at like four, well there's like two or three zones like that (interruption) but only like one club.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Ah right (pause) ah right

Speaker 2:

So it gets a bit everyone's just piling in that queue from sort of eleven o'clock. It's like 'I'm just getting here, what's going on' you're at the club and you already can't get into the club and it's like half-eleven. (interruption) But yeah

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Ah right.

Speaker 1:

Mm. Yeah 'cause you always see em they always get shout-outs in Blu Bambu on a Wednesday 'everyone from Durham' (interruption) and places like that

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

they obviously just come to Newcastle 'cause it's so shocking.

Speaker 2:

You do it, we used to do that as a ki- like when we were my mates at college when I was home for a week you'd go -- go out in go to Durham, jump on the train, go to Newcastle like sort of eight nine o'clock on the train and then get on the first train home again at sort of five o'clock 'cause if you get the L- the London train goes through Durham

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

so if people -- (interruption) business people

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Is that -- oh is that how people (interruption) do it?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) business people going down to London for work at like nine ten o'clock, you jump on that train you're back in Durham by like half-six

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

which is fi- catch breakfast (interruption) somewhere and go -- go to college.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Oh right I was wondering like 'cause (pause) it would be quite expensive to get a taxi home (interruption) from Newcastle, wouldn't it

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah it's like a tenner on the train or something, (interruption) tenner on the train

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Ah right.

Speaker 2:

So do that, just get the train the next morning.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. How long does it take to get from Durham like Newcastle to Durham on the train? It's (interruption) not long is it?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Seven minutes.

Speaker 3:

Seven minutes.

Speaker 2:

Something stupid like that.

Speaker 3:

Ah right so that's all right (interruption) then eh.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) It's nothing at all.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Right then speaking of clubs, what's the most embarrassing thing you've done when drunk?

Speaker 3:

Er (pause) don't know really, you?

Speaker 2:

Like when we -- we went skiing in Andorra and an- there's not much skiing so we'd just get drunk a lot so we'd spend sort -- start drinking in the afternoon. One night we decided to have play fancy-dress and we went out and the theme was no clothes

Speaker 1:

(laughter) (interruption) oh.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) so er people were just like wearing rugs like (pause) er bin-bags stupid things like that so wandering round sort of Andorra for about ten hours in a bin-bag is probably pretty stupidest, yeah.

Speaker 3:

See I like mostly haven't done anything really stupid I mos- mostly most of the time just don't remember what (interruption) I've done

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Em what did you do last week (NAME)?

Speaker 3:

I (interruption) was sick

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

In (interruption) my sleep

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

and woke up with it which was quite stupid (interruption) but I can't really remember it

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

so it doesn't really count, but em yeah that was probably one of the worst things I've done. Mm.

Speaker 1:

I usually can't really remember when I'm drunk if I've done anything stupid.

Speaker 3:

Like someone else has to tell you the next (interruption) morning what you've done.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's part of the fun (interruption) though.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

(interruption) And they blatantly just lie.

Speaker 1:

Like (pause) oh dear.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Em. Have you ever seen any celebrities when you've been out (pause) round town?

Speaker 3:

Em (pause) I haven't really saw anyone when I've been out, I had some Newcastle f- supposedly I served some Newcastle footballer when I was in work the other day but I don't actually know who he was or

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I was just like oblivious

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I was just like 'here's your food' but er he's got like, do you follow football?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

He's got like long hair he's kind of like Asiany, maybe. Or (interruption) like

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Don't knaa they've brought in a few Sp- em Spanish

Speaker 3:

S- something to do with like Spiderman or something people call (interruption) him

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Gut- Gutierrez

Speaker 3:

Yeah it was him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah he's the guy they've brought in from Sp- Real Majorca or (interruption) something

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh.

Speaker 2:

and he wore a Spiderman, ask 'cause his son loves Spiderman, so he's been nicknamed Spiderman

Speaker 3:

Oh right.

Speaker 2:

yeah that was a while back yeah.

Speaker 3:

Aye it was him that was in, but I don't -- I don't re- there's no-one really from Newcastle though like

Speaker 1:

Ant and Dec (laughter)

Speaker 3:

a- apart from (interruption) Ant and Dec

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

who really are never ever here so I th- there's not really anyone that I've ever saw and especially when I

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (unclear) If you class famous as the people as the people off er Byker Grove like one of my, one of

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter) I don't think so

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) one of the girls I went to school with was in Byker Grove from like the -- pretty much the start all the way through

Speaker 1:

Oh right.

Speaker 2:

so I kn- like she's just my friend but we'll be out in town and people will go, like 'oh' some little girl will come up to her and go 'ah you're s- you're (NAME)' or something like and ugh

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

it's (NAME) what you on about but yeah so I went to sch- and then about it to be honest, no don't really pay much attention.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

(interruption) I saw Cheryl Cole (interruption) once shopping sho-

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Did you?

Speaker 3:

er it was Christmas shopping it was a couple of years ago now like maybe not c- not Christmas gone, the Christmas before I was la- you know how it's like late-night shopping on a Thursday?

Speaker 2:

In the Metro-Centre?

Speaker 3:

No in town

Speaker 2:

Oh (interruption) right.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) In Eldon Square, and I saw er Cheryl Cheryl Cole or Cheryl Tweedy whatever er saw her next to like Topshop, coming out of Topshop

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Really?

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Just walking up and er

Speaker 1:

She wasn't with Ashley Cole was she?

Speaker 3:

No I think she was just with her family, and th- and my friend knows some of the family who you wouldn't expect they were like quite big and quite chaavy and quite ugly but er she was with them. And then I saw like i- on the same night walked down and was walking next to Grey's Monument and you know that person that used to be out of er (laughter) Birds Of A Feather, she's got like dark hair?

Speaker 1:

The old one?

Speaker 3:

The old one yeah (laughter)

Speaker 1:

(laughter) yeah.

Speaker 3:

I saw her she was tottering about, I was just like

Speaker 2:

She's from the panto, (interruption) that man, she'll have

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah I saw her in a pantomime once up in Newcastle.

Speaker 2:

that'll be down by the theatre, just off

Speaker 3:

Aye it was there, it was like next to where like All Saints (interruption) is along that street whatever that's called

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Ah.

Speaker 3:

saw her along there, so aye she must've been in some kind of pantomime. Mm

Speaker 1:

Claim to fame. (interruption) Lasso off Birds Of A Feather (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Claim to fame Cheryl Tweedy and er Birds Of A Feather, all the morning. It was great times. It was good.

Speaker 1:

Good stuff. Right so em (pause) lets talk about your family. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Speaker 3:

I've got two sisters but they're much older than me one -- one's thirty-one and one's twenty-eight twenty-eight twenty-nine (pause) twenty-eight

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

twenty-eight she's twenty eight so I've got one that's tw- thirty-one and one that's twenty-eight, so it's quite a bit like bit of a difference between mine and my sisters.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No I've got a little brother who's sixteen but already taller than me

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

yeah good grief g- er been away so long got to keep going home and putting him in his place, he thinks he runs the show, so it (interruption) takes

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Aww.

Speaker 2:

getting home it takes two days to put myself back on (interruption) top.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

Do you get on all right with him then?

Speaker 2:

Yeah all right, better than yeah m- missed most of it for being away for like four year so, when I left he was like twelve thirteen, (interruption) yeah twelve.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Mm (pause) Do you get on well with your sisters?

Speaker 3:

See like my especially my older sister she's like more like -- like not my mam like she like she looked after us quite a lot when I was young so 'cause obviously as someone pointed out not long ago I was obviously a mistake

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

so she like er she looked after u- she looked after us quite a lot so I get on well with her. I would fight a bit with my middle sister 'cause I think she got used to being the youngest, 'cause she was like eleven or something when I was born, so will have been yeah eleven so em I fight with her but not now 'cause were both quite like grown up there's no teenageness

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

so no I get on well with them. But yeah someone said I was a mistake once that was a bit, (interruption) I was just like

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Aww. That's a horrible thing to say (laughter)

Speaker 3:

I obviously am (interruption) like

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

why would my mam and dad (interruption) wait from when (pause) like I

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

my sister was born in nineteen eighty I was born in nineteen eighty-nine I was blatantly a (interruption) mistake.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Blatantly a mistake.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It never twigged on though. I think it was my boss who was like 'so you're a mistake then' and I was just like 'oh right aye maybe (interruption) I am.'

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Aww. That's well harsh

Speaker 3:

Maybe I am a bit of a mistake.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Ah. Any nieces or nephews then? Obviously hopefully not with you (interruption) (laughter) but er (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter) (pause) Em (interruption) I've got em

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Don't say that

Speaker 3:

I've got a nephew so he's about two now so er (pause) yeah (interruption) little

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Is he cute?

Speaker 3:

yeah he is actually, he's quite cool he -- he's got like my second name, (NAME), as his first name because he's taken his dad's name so yeah he's quite cool. We get (interruption) on

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

Do I -- I mm yeah we get on, he kind of like doesn't like us whenever I s- step into the room he's like 'Out. (NAME) out.'

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Really? (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's quite scary. But he'll like talk to us on the phone sometimes which is quite nice so for him being two

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Just one one one nephew.

Speaker 1:

What about your mam and dad? Do you get on well with them?

Speaker 3:

Em I get on with my (pause) like I get on with my dad but that's 'cause my like I don't see my dad that often with him working away. So I kind of d- get on with my mum as well because I can't exactly fight between the two of them like some people do, do you know what I mean? So I get on with both my parents, so I don't really, never really been fussed about it. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah just pare- you're always going to fall out with them, they're parents, that's what they're there for. (interruption) They always tell you something you don't want to hear

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

so just get on with it.

Speaker 1:

So is your dad q- away quite a bit then, with his job?

Speaker 3:

Yeah like in (pause) he works like s- mo- like no -- like most of the time he would work three months away and then have two weeks back especially when he was working a contract and then when that w- contract would finish he would be back for a bit longer but em (pause) he's only he's just got a job that's a one month on one month off so that's much better so I see him bit more. He'll be back for Christmas as well so (interruption) that'll be much better.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) That's good.

Speaker 1:

So do you have any special do you do anything special for Christmas, any traditions or anything? Just

Speaker 2:

No just -- well we used -- parents -- well my grandparents used to own a big pub so e- everyone just used to be in there so there used to be just everyone in the house at the same time so you couldn't there was no peace no quiet, used to be like up to twenty people running round sort of, the upstairs s- big house it was always like manic but Christmas is a bit quieter now so there's going to be about ten people kicking around so it's a bit

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

more peaceful than it used to be.

Speaker 3:

See like ours is em (pause) we just kept like we just have fam- like close family so it's just like literally our family for Christmas we don't really go round like you know how some people go round to their auntie's and stuff for Christmas ours is just we just have our own.

Speaker 1:

Yeah we just have like us four and then my nana, grandma (pause) and granddad and that's it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Quite quiet.

Speaker 3:

Mm. And especially with w- not like apart well different f- now that we've got (NAME) but for a long time it was quite quiet 'cause w- like none of wuh we're like young kids who were like 'ooh Santa's coming.'

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So, it's all right.

Speaker 1:

What about New Year's Eve? Do you have any plans for that, what do you normally do?

Speaker 3:

See I think New Year's is a total anti-climax I think (interruption) it's

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah New Year's D- like with as I say going back to when me grandparents owned pubs they owned two but at the top of the end one at the top one at the bottom of the village so New Year's Eve they'd just be working and stuff but then New Year's Day they'd get someone else in to work and they would just start in one of their pubs and finish in the other hitting them all in between (interruption) like any pubs

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Uh-huh.

Speaker 2:

it's s- sort of like two three mile you just stagger from one p- and there's loads I don't know why but there's about probably ten different pubs or cl- like working-men's clubs it's an old mining sort of area so there's loads of like old men working clubs so you just they'd just roll from the other so New Year's Day is always more of a bigger occasion that New Year's Eve.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So it's just you don't have a big New Year's Eve you sort of like yeah whatever few ca- casual family stuff

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

maybe pop round a friend's party or something like that and then sack it off, go to bed, get up the next morning at like ten eleven and just go nuts all day.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I wanted to have a big New Year last year 'cause I -- like I've never done town for New Year yet

Speaker 2:

It's too expensive, (interruption) honestly too expensive

Speaker 3:

(interruption) See I

Speaker 2:

like I did Durham when I was like seventeen, it was just stupid 'cause my birthday's just after New Year's Eve

Speaker 3:

Ah right.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Like I -- I four days later

Speaker 3:

Ah right.

Speaker 2:

So generally people are still drunk like hung-over and haven't sorted out their calendars and (interruption) forget my birthday

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so like right we'll go out for New Year's Eve for my birthday in (interruption) Durham

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Aye.

Speaker 2:

and it was just like stupidly expensive so you'd just queue to (interruption) get in anywhere

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

you've got to pay to get in just like a bar.

Speaker 3:

Aye. 'Cause I -- like I quite like I just want to got to town like we were going to do it last year but I wa- like I got flu so I didn't go out and like I've only really done around my area which I haven't been to Whitley Bay which would -- would get expensive for New Year, I just went to Tynemouth which was quite cheap, it didn't get any more expensive or anything so that was all right whereas I -- I quite want to go to town, I think it would be good. Costly though.

Speaker 1:

Taxis are the worst on New Year's Eve like. Shocking.

Speaker 3:

See like to get home it would probably cost about twenty-five quid but I could lit- I could just walk home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah (laughter)

Speaker 3:

with living in Jesmond (interruption) so -- so

Speaker 2:

(interruption) As long as it's not snowing it's all right yeah. I suppose (interruption) the

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 2:

sleeping by yourself wake up by yourself in an empty house

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So I might just do that, well I -- two of our housemates as well are from Newcastle

Speaker 2:

Oh right yeah yeah.

Speaker 3:

so we've got quite a I don't know what will be happening this year but I think we'll be all right, we'll maybe have a house party, that would be good, 'cause we've got a house rather than wrecking my mam and dad's so that would be quite good

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Wreck my own house? I'd rather go and wreck my parent's

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

(laughter) Like we haven't had a house party yet w- 'cause our house is just like ugh, leave it we'll just have house parties at other people's.

Speaker 1:

We've only really had one, just like that one on my birthday which I can't really (interruption) remember

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

(laughter) I was quite drunk. But er I definitely think New Year's Eve is an anti-climax, like last year we went out and we didn't even know it -- it got to like ten past twelve and we were like 'oh

Speaker 3:

It's New Year. (laughter)

Speaker 1:

Happy New Year then.' Whatever. But yeah, definitely.

Speaker 3:

Have yous had any parties at yours yet?

Speaker 2:

No actually s- with it being like there's only fo- like three of us and we're always missing and that it's just

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and we all live upstairs so it's like a maisonette so it's pretty

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and not people are just blatantly just going to fall down the stairs

Speaker 3:

That's true.

Speaker 2:

It's (interruption) like

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

it's just asking for someone to literally fall down the stairs and break something or kill theirselves or

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

just not worth the hassle in it let's be honest.

Speaker 3:

Yeah that's true. Have you er is it students under you as (interruption) well are they?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 3:

See that's all right like I've one of my friends who lives underneath like sh- they've got the flat above I think, and underneath they've got the landlord's grandma or something underneath (interruption) (laughter) that's next to Starbucks

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) What?

Speaker 1:

(laughter) Oh dear.

Speaker 3:

so er I (interruption) literally she said like I wo-

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I (unclear) nights

Speaker 3:

like we had music on and it was eight-thirty on a Friday no it was like nine-thirty on a Friday and she came knocking, banging on the door like 'Do you know what time (interruption) it is?'

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

like banging on the door, (NAME) was like 'I was literally scared, I am actually scared', she got the police and everything.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Half-nine on a Friday.

Speaker 1:

Em my friend (NAME) is in one of them and they've got this Chinese man living underneath (interruption) them

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

and y- you know on Friends Mr Heckles who bangs on (interruption) the ceiling with the broom

Speaker 3:

(interruption) bangs on with the broom (laughter)

Speaker 1:

he keeps doing that and they just keep turning the telly up and up and up and he keeps banging harder and harder. (sigh) Oh they're going to get chucked out, I swear to God.

Speaker 3:

The thing is though I don't know why in some of the areas, like Jesmond's a nice area to live in but like there is family areas like I know some people that live in Jesmond with their family but like old people like there's an old person living near us and it's just like I know they've probably lived there all of their (interruption) lives or something

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah it's changed recently like, if you go back sort of ten fifteen twenty year

Speaker 3:

Aye that's true.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't like studenty. (interruption) Students wouldn't have dreamed of living in Jesmond.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah (pause) Yeah that's true.

Speaker 2:

Like they'd have all been up in Heaton or blink- like Fenham or (interruption) somewhere over there where it's cheap

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Mm that's true.

Speaker 1:

Don't talk to me about Fenham. Ah.

Speaker 2:

But (interruption) like

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Fenham's a lush area (laughter)

Speaker 1:

Em it's the (interruption) ghetto

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

Literally (laughter)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Saint Mary's

Speaker 1:

(interruption) I was scared for my life last year.

Speaker 3:

Saint Mary's like when I s- when I first like met people from Saint Mary's and they were like 'Oh it's in Fenham' and I was just (interruption) like

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

'Ah that's nice, that (interruption) lovely place.'

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

But I thought Saint Mary's was quite nice, did you -- (interruption) you live in Saint Mary's?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I -- I -- I was up at Heaton.

Speaker 3:

Ah right.

Speaker 2:

Up in Henderson, up at Heaton.

Speaker 1:

It was really nice accommodation it was just a little bit far out

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

that's the only thing. 'Cause there wasn't many of us i- it was like a really nice little community.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But bit far out.

Speaker 3:

Did you -- is Heaton is Henderson Hall the same distance as Saint Mary's?

Speaker 2:

Pretty much, just the other way.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like Heat- er Hendo might be a bit further away. But it's where all the uni playing fields and stuff are so it's not like

Speaker 3:

Oh so it's not totally out (interruption) of it? Yeah

Speaker 2:

(interruption) It's yeah it's not like concrete jungle either like there is a massive green open spaces to go running nuts, go (interruption) wild in

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

where there's not much of that if you were like in town all the time it gets a bit tedious doesn't it?

Speaker 3:

Is it er that was catered wasn't it?

Speaker 2:

Well it's half catered half (interruption) not catered

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Is it, oh right

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But yeah that was it, amusing.

Speaker 3:

Did you get in straight away? (interruption) Or did you

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I -- I -- I was in Loughborough

Speaker 3:

Oh right aye.

Speaker 2:

Use that address and then changed it (interruption) like right at the end

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Ah (pause) cheeky.

Speaker 3:

Oh right.

Speaker 2:

so I cheat -- like do it all the time.

Speaker 3:

'Cause I applied for em (pause) I applied for (pause) accommodation, I can't (interruption) remember which ones I applied for

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 3:

but they didn't even off- they like -- I was on a waiting (interruption) list

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Aye.

Speaker 3:

and was just like right okay maybe it will be a few weeks in 'cause

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

the year before my friends got in round about start of November time

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so it will have been now which wouldn't have been that bad

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

but em (pause) I got offered one on the like twelfth of (interruption) December when we broke up

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 3:

and I just thought there's no point like I've signed for Jesmond

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

There's just no point in doing it so I just thought it would be a bit easier

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No 'cause I was doing it in Loughborough the year before and just u- used all them addresses for all the correspondences and stuff (interruption) and was fine

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh so you got in straight away.

Speaker 2:

and then swapped it to my home address of when I finished un- er (interruption) college at like middle of June

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

by then it was all sorted pretty much

Speaker 3:

Ah right yeah.

Speaker 2:

So yeah fair enough there you go

Speaker 3:

Ah right.

Speaker 2:

it was all right.

Speaker 1:

And that's where you met our (NAME) wasn't it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No be nice (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Is she -- what doe- she's not on the same course as you is she (NAME)?

Speaker 1:

No she does Law and French.

Speaker 3:

Ah right. Ah cool

Speaker 1:

Em (pause) so (pause) did yous go away on a summer holiday this year then?

Speaker 2:

Er beginning of the summer I was in (pause) Turkey for a bit with some fam- like family and that just had a family holiday and then came back, went to Tunisia with the boys just

Speaker 1:

The boys (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Yeah I don't know (unclear) er couple of weeks in Tunisia just doing stupid things and doing nothing but drinking,        so I've had a pretty busy summer

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Not spending much time in the UK.

Speaker 3:

I spent all of the summer in the UK I was so depressed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I -- I tried to like w- what we were going to do was w- leave it to like 'cause we went to Zante the year before em we wanted just like certain people couldn't go at certain times stuff like that so we said 'oh we'll leave it for like a late deal' and I wanted to work a bit just to get a bit of money. So we were going to late-deal it, and then we were going to late-deal it, going to late-deal it and then it just got never we like never did it

Speaker 2:

It got to October and you were like '       we missed summer'.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah like we tried -- we tried to go away just like very very start of September like end of August but was it just like nothing cheap and just all of the        places were left so it was like

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

a two-star hotel which wasn't very nice.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (laughter) No

Speaker 3:

and it was like three hundred and eighty quid and it was like if we had booked it, it would have just been fine. But no, never got away, that's why like I want to go away next year before doing my placement to like somewhere good

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 3:

rather than like go somewhere far but I don't know if I'd like to go to Thailand like (NAME) and that did I don't think I could cope with (interruption) Thailand

Speaker 1:

(interruption) No. (interruption) I don't think I could.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) What back -- I've got a friend out he's going to he's third year he's just did just finished Electrical Engineering

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So he's going to Sandhurst in January.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Er and he's just he's gone out there em Thailand em then Singapore I think

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and he was s- on Facebook yesterday sat in Vietnam then he's going to China after that and then he's coming back in like just before Christmas.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So as we break-up like middle of December (interruption) he's coming back to Newcastle to stay with a mate

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

going out for a week up here with the lads

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

then going home, then going to Sandhurst in January and he's going to get nailed when he gets to Sandhurst in January 'cause he'll be so fat and lazy

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

after monging around for months but yeah there's loads of them just I've got lo- a few friends at the minute down on the in the South Pacific one girl I know is in Fiji she's just done like she's just spent d- having Christmas in Australia with her like distant aunty or something who she (interruption) hasn't seen for four year

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 2:

she was like 'oh (interruption) it'll be fine'

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

Yeah whatever

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

never seen her before, never seen her in like five years and you're just going to s- have Christmas with her, that's going to work, not.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

See like before working nine to five I'd definitely want definitely want to do something big but I don't think I could

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

do Thailand. Thailand's just a bit extreme.

Speaker 1:

Yeah like it's not my kind of place like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I think (NAME) came back after a month or three weeks or whatever

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

she hadn't showered (interruption) for (laughter) like (laughter) the whole time I don't think

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

That's (interruption) nothing.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) I just (pause) (interruption) oh no.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) See I -- that would do my head (interruption) in I

Speaker 2:

(interruption) that's work for me

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

See no I just couldn't be coping with (interruption) that

Speaker 1:

(interruption) No.

Speaker 3:

I looked on SDA Travel, I was just telling (NAME) before and there was like cheap flights so you could get like all your flights sorted and there was one went to Singapore I think or Bangkok one of the two

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

em then down to Australia, from Australia to (pause) what's the place next to Australia?

Speaker 3:

New Zealand

Speaker 1:

New Zealand.

Speaker 2:

New Zealand or Fiji.

Speaker 3:

Then New Zealand to Fiji, Fiji to LA and that was only seven hundred pound (interruption) for the for all your flights

Speaker 1:

(interruption) That would be (pause) awesome.

Speaker 3:

and that doesn't entail anything too drastic (interruption) like Thailand

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

'cause I wouldn't be able to cope.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like I would just ha I go to Africa and do the whole of Africa.

Speaker 3:

See Africa's not fussed me either. (interruption) Like

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) It's just

Speaker 3:

I'm not really fussed about, I'm not really fussed about like Hong Kong or any places sh- definitely not Africa

Speaker 2:

If w you just see like you see all this stuff on TV and that like how they're portrayed as such like just to actually go and say that you've seen it like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

there's the landscapes, the people, the cultures, the wildlife and then there's the -- the mess as well like and actually get in there and have a look

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know m- like see -- see if what people's saying is actually realistic you know what (interruption) I mean?

Speaker 1:

(interruption) True. (interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Uh-huh.

Speaker 2:

Y- Yeah like actually see it for yourself 'cause people can say things and you can read things and hear things and all that but if (interruption) you can't

Speaker 3:

(interruption) But what happens if you'd paid all that money and it was like what the news says?

Speaker 2:

Well (interruption) you only -- you

Speaker 3:

(interruption) I'd be gutted, I'd be like (interruption) trip to LA please (laughter)

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

fly in to the north and flying back out in the south you've got you -- you can spend as much time as you want in each place.

Speaker 3:

South Africa's (pause) (interruption) mm (pause) better than thingy yeah.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) all right isn't it -- it's like -- like so y- y- you hit the north s- like land in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

over there, spend further time there 'cause they're touristy quite (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah 'cause Morocco's quite touristy (interruption) isn't it

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah it's starting to be

Speaker 3:

like quite a few people are starting to be (interruption) like

Speaker 2:

(interruption) they're all developed like they're all developing at the minute

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and then just travel down hit Kenya do like Masai Mara

Speaker 3:

See (interruption) Kenya, no.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (unclear) and then (interruption) move across to

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter) Just no (NAME). Just (interruption) no.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

Just no.

Speaker 1:

(laughter) (interruption) I don't really like rice so

Speaker 3:

(interruption) I can see why like I can -- I can see why some people like really like doing it like but I don't think the back-packing thing I could be       

Speaker 1:

I'm not good at light packing

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

so a rucksack would be no good for (interruption) me.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Like when (NAME) (NAME) brought down her bag and was just (interruption) like

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 3:

she was like 'Yeah I lived out of this for a month. I (interruption) never showered'

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

I was just like 'Lovely (NAME).' (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) When we were in Canada on the when we were in Canada in the training area and basically like got changed twice in twenty-five days.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Tha- (interruption) that's rank

Speaker 2:

(interruption) It's just y- you learn to live you (interruption) just learn to live

Speaker 1:

(interruption) That is not nice.

Speaker 2:

everyone's exactly the same

Speaker 3:

Yeah but if I've haven't had like a shower in a day I feel disgusting.

Speaker 2:

Y- Yeah you get used to it you f- you get past that honestly, you get past it

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Did you see any touristy bits of Canada or did you (interruption) just see the

Speaker 2:

(interruption) a bit of like of Med Hat and Calgary but that was about it 'cause I basically flew in, did the exercise, flew back out 'cause I was (interruption) really

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh.

Speaker 2:

I was -- I needed to get back to uni

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I was meant to go up to Banff and so some er white water rafting but the weather wasn't great so sacked that off

Speaker 3:

Ca- is Calgary like one of their main cities (interruption) or something?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) It's the yeah it's the capital of Alberta.

Speaker 3:

Oh (interruption) right.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Like each state's got their own little capital

Speaker 3:

Oh right okay.

Speaker 2:

and (interruption) then

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh so is Canada like America, is it states?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) yeah yeah (interruption) yeah

Speaker 3:

(interruption) I -- I never knew that, I though it was just Canada.

Speaker 2:

seven or eight states across, like it's basically just c- like someone's took a ruler and just divided it up into

Speaker 3:

Oh right, (interruption) yeah.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) I just like basically just straight lines across

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Broken down.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I'd love to go to Canada, (interruption) do some whale-watching.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) It's nice like but it was barren, where we were was just like nobody it was just so empty

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

No, a week in Magaluf is more (interruption) my thing I think.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

See I'd like to go like I was saying to my sister we'd love to go to like Canada for Christmas, like you know (interruption) how you can stay in like Christmassy places

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 3:

and go like i- it would be Christmassy 'cause there'd be snow rather than just        weather in England.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

See that would be good like good snow and like it would be good

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

and like stay in like a hut and stuff, that would be mint (interruption) but

Speaker 1:

(interruption) New York at Christmas I think would be amazing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Times Square for New Year that would be good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Have you been to New York? See I've not been.

Speaker 1:

I went last year and we went in April and it was so cold, like still (interruption) in April

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Really?

Speaker 1:

it was freezing yeah.

Speaker 2:

No I was in -- spent a month in Florida after my GCSEs

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

a month six weeks spent time like around theme parks and that and a bit in Miami and I didn't like it, really really didn't like it

Speaker 3:

See I've only been to America once, and I went to Vegas

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so that was kind of (interruption) just like doesn't rea-

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Oh.

Speaker 3:

like it was (interruption) good. It was so good

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

like Vegas was amazing like I -- I'd think we'd like might go back but I'd prefer to see places like San Francisco, LA, New York

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

but definitely go to New er LA when er Vegas when you're twenty-one 'cause it will be it (interruption) is so good

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Aww.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

It looks amazing like.

Speaker 3:

It is. It's such like honestly it's amazing, it's just so good. And it's like so like there's so a lot more to do, like we went down to the Grand Canyon (interruption) and stuff as well

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 3:

'cause it's only like

Speaker 2:

Helicopter rides, or?

Speaker 3:

We got like we got a flight from this little airport in Vegas

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

and it took about an hour, which I don't know how it took an hour 'cause it only took forty-five minutes to get from LA to Vegas, so I don't know how that happened. But er (pause) it took an hour to get there and then you like your plane lands in Arizona and then you get this bus around different points of the canyon

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

which would be good. But I'd like to fly through it like on a (interruption) helicopter, I think that would be much better.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) yeah s- a few friends come down come over the top and just drop into the (unclear) in the helicopter

Speaker 3:

Uh-huh. See we got proper like little aircraft (interruption) planes

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 3:

where they sat like five people

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It was horrible, it was sick (laughter) they're like tiny, have you been on a (interruption) plane like that?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah yeah you've got to be co- confident in er the way y- like in the air

Speaker 3:

See I don't mind when it's like a massive massive plane but when that little thing takes off the ground (interruption) and it's like that

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Were all were they all facing the right way though?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

all the seats facing the right way?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

my dad was the bloody co-pilot it was (interruption) that small

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Was he?

Speaker 3:

Yeah he was sitting (interruption) up front and I was like 'ugh'

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

then my sister passed out on the way (interruption) back 'cause the air-con failed

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter) Oh no (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Nice.

Speaker 3:

and I was just like 'oh my God.'

Speaker 3:

And then I was s- once like I don't know how this came about I got to fly one once, literally took control of the things and was like 'you're going to have to take these now I'm going to be sick please'

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

they had to take them back straight away, I was like 'I've done nothing'.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Flying out to Canada we were flying backwards. The RAF's got some p- planes that turn the seats it's actually safer facing the other way

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Because when you think, when you hit s- well if you're going to hit the floor a- the seat takes all the brace (interruption) like you sit back

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh right yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

and y- you just all (unclear) so yeah but flying ten hours backwards was a bit of a

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

strange sort of concept, you don't get used to it at all

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like 'cause as you take off you f- you f- (interruption) like lean forwards

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh that would be weird.

Speaker 1:

That would be weird, (interruption) wouldn't it?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) It's v- v- definitely a strange sort of sensation of flying backwards y- you didn't get used to it at all

Speaker 3:

So did you fly with -- did you fly in proper air- RAF planes rather (interruption) than just

Speaker 2:

(interruption) er it's like a passenger jet so like it's basically it's a BC10 it's an old sort of        aircraft

Speaker 3:

Ah (interruption) right.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) but yeah it was like it's just a pass- like just one -- they run it that's all it's (interruption) theirs

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah. Ah

Speaker 2:

flew back charter but flew out there in an RAF plane.

Speaker 3:

Ah that will have been mint, that'll be cool rather than just flying, whatever.

Speaker 2:

They're just noisy and cold.

Speaker 3:

So you don't get like food (interruption) and that on them?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Oh aye we got fed five or six meals (interruption) on the way

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Ah right.

Speaker 2:

they give you all sorts of food but it's just cold and noisy and not like as comfy as

Speaker 3:

Not comfortable and (interruption) stuff.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Mm. I'm not the best flyer (pause) I don't like it.

Speaker 2:

I love it.

Speaker 3:

See I like flying when it's like on them massive planes, (interruption) yeah

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Hum.

Speaker 3:

sit back put a film on (interruption) you know

Speaker 1:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 3:

but em have a bit of meals, not that they're nice (interruption) but

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Urgh.

Speaker 3:

see I think that's all right. Little things, no.

Speaker 1:

No you'd think I'd be used (interruption) to it 'cause I go to Florida every year on holiday

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Helicopters.

Speaker 1:

but every year I'm just like sat like with my head down for like nine hours (interruption) straight

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

I'm like no get me off this thing. I really don't like it.

Speaker 3:

I've never been to Florida is it good?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Or is it just (interruption) over-rated?

Speaker 2:

(interruption) it's gimmicky (interruption) it's just

Speaker 1:

(interruption) I'm sick of it now like. Eighteen times I've been and I'm (interruption) just sick of it.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) you've (pause) Eighteen times?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I o- once for like I was over there for about six weeks, and it's good for a bit and then you're like 'right I've done it now can I go somewhere else now I'm bored' like

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's -- it's gimmick it's for (interruption) ki- like little kids

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I would definitely say it's for li- once yeah fair enough you've been you've done it fair enough but

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I was bored like by (interruption) the time

Speaker 1:

(interruption) We -- we only go for the weather and the shops 'cause you (interruption) like

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Mm.

Speaker 1:

last year we got two dollars to the pound and that made it so (interruption) cheap

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Yeah

Speaker 1:

that's the only reason we go like (pause) (interruption) that's it.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Uh-huh.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) a bit we-

Speaker 1:

We've done all the theme parks like a million times, that's nothing new.

Speaker 3:

'Cause Florida's got loads of like beaches as well hasn't it? (interruption) It's not just about the theme parks and stuff.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) Yeah well

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

the thing -- the thing is it's so big

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like if you want to go to theme parks and then you couldn't just spend the morning in the theme parks and the afternoons at the beach, it's just not possible.

Speaker 3:

Oh right.

Speaker 2:

It's like a four hour drive (laughter) (interruption) from

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Mm. (interruption) Yeah it is.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh (laughter) right.

Speaker 2:

a theme park to a (interruption) beach

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, don't (interruption) do that.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) and you're like right in the sm- smack bang centre

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Kissimmee or something it's called (interruption) and then

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah Kissimmee.

Speaker 2:

to get to a beach either way left or right yo- you're going to be going for at least three four (interruption) hours.

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh my God

Speaker 1:

And then like (pause) usually depending what time of year you go, there's usually thunderstorms during the day so by the time you get to the beach

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

then it starts (interruption) raining

Speaker 3:

(interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 1:

and you're like oh        (laughter) (interruption) like.

Speaker 2:

(interruption) a- about five o'clock at night and then it's just (interruption) splat

Speaker 3:

(interruption) Oh.

Speaker 2:

through four five o'clock empty the (interruption) skies

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Mm. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

and you get drawked.

Speaker 3:

See I like I'd like to see more of America rather than (pause) (interruption) just to see something different

Speaker 1:

(interruption) Yeah I would too, I'd like to go to

Speaker 3:

Have (interruption) you just been to Florida?

Speaker 1:

(interruption) LA.

Speaker 1:

I've been to Florida

Speaker 3:

Oh and (interruption) New York.

Speaker 1:

(interruption) and New York, and that's it in America.

Speaker 3:

Mm (pause) but yeah I definitely want to do some travelling maybe like Australia or something that would (unclear)

Speaker 1:

Mm. Right well thank you very much lads, that's it.

Speaker 3:

No problem.

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