Archive Interview: PVC10

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Age Group:





Tyneside - Newcastle


Further Education


Bank Worker

Speaker 3:


Age Group:





Tyneside - Newcastle


Further Education




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  Interview Transcript

Speaker 2:

right it's ehm down at Newburn Riverside (pause) (unclear) just been built

Speaker 3:

yeah there's a leagues two nights isn't there Wednesday and Thursday

Speaker 2:

mm-hm yeah and it's also got (pause) eh the gym there as well and (pause) five a side courts and everything

Speaker 3:

and a bar (laughter)

Speaker 2:

and a bar yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's right so that's eh one night a week (pause) and then on f I suppose every Friday night it's ehm (pause) we really either go to a a local social club

Speaker 3:

or to the town

Speaker 2:

or the t yeah the Bigg Market and then (pause) maybe off to the nightclubs

Speaker 3:

yeah but it varies from week to week doesn't it

Speaker 2:

yeah (laughter) on the (pause) finances

Speaker 3:

(laughter) yeah this week's a barbecue week

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's it

Speaker 3:

a bit low on money

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I just raided the fridge

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

ehm I suppose (unclear) also I I I play (unclear) personally I play ehm rugby (pause) up at Morpeth as well (unclear) so that's e that's every during the season that's every Saturday afternoon playing there (pause) and then a Tuesday and Thursday night going up to there to (pause) to train and last year I was in the juniors it was Sunday morning playing as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

just got to get yourself into all the things that are going on

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

find out what's going on in the local area

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

participate (pause) there's loads of football teams you can join ehm (pause) and such things isn't there

Speaker 2:

yeah that's definitely eh (pause) not so many rugby that's a bit of a

Speaker 3:

yeah I know

Speaker 2:

weaker sport but (pause) with football especially (unclear) they put football on a Sunday morning (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah in the area you're just brought up to play football really aren't you it's not (pause) rugby or cricket or (interruption) anything else it's football

Speaker 2:

no (unclear) it's (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

I mean even at school that's all we played football never (pause) (interruption) had a game of anything else

Speaker 2:

yeah (unclear) (pause) that's right definitely (pause) (unclear) also not regularly now (unclear) used to go to ehm (pause) adventurers (interruption) (unclear) adventurers

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that was on a (pause) on a Monday night that was ehm it was good you progressed up from scouts and then cubs

Speaker 3:

well I was in the cubs like but

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

never went into the scouts or anything

Speaker 2:

why not

Speaker 3:

I don't know really I just (pause) never thought about joining it

Speaker 2:

mm (unclear) I went to Chapel House cubs (unclear) Chapel House scouts and (pause) when I was at scouts I used to help run the cubs

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) adventurers used to help to run the scouts as well

Speaker 3:

yeah (unclear)

Speaker 2:

that was good went to (pause) plenty of camps up round (pause) Dilston everything then went to Sweden as well (unclear) exchange visit there (unclear) was (pause) that was a brilliant time but not so good when they came over here I think

Speaker 3:

why what was wrong with that

Speaker 2:

oh the the lad who was staying at house he wasn't much ehm (pause) didn't get on well with him really (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah did you go on any exchange visits with the school or not

Speaker 2:

not exchange went to ehm (pause) on middle school went to ehm Italy (pause) skiing

Speaker 3:

oh yeah yeah I remember (interruption) that

Speaker 2:

(unclear) (pause) just a couple of weekends away London and Stoke et cetera you went to France though didn't you

Speaker 3:

yeah I've been twice to France

Speaker 2:

mm-hm was that an exchange did they come over here or was it just a (interruption) holiday

Speaker 3:

no just went over there to speak French for a (pause) couple of weeks really (pause) ehm I don't know we've been on other trips with the school

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

to Alnwick and (pause) things like that

Speaker 2:

(unclear) middle school

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

but that was just like a (pause) action week or whatever you want to call it where we were (pause) doing all kinds of things that we wouldn't normally do like rowing and (pause) ehm (pause) (interruption) going fishing and things like that

Speaker 2:

yeah uh-huh

Speaker 3:

outdoor pursuits (unclear)

Speaker 2:

mm (unclear) holiday (unclear) my mam and dad and my brother down to ehm (pause) oh Derbyshire that was like an action week it was quite good (pause) with like the CHA which is like a (pause) holiday organisation

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and we used to (unclear) spend every summer (pause) (unclear) you do you just go walking during the day

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and there's things on at night like ehm (pause) oh barn dancing and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

stuff like that it's not I'd never enjoyed but my dad mum and dad do because they always liked walking so (pause) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) enjoy (unclear) something like that

Speaker 2:

well yeah but (pause) well he probably did but he doesn't like to say it

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so that was it so basically every year I went to the Lakes (pause) on holiday which was

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

bit sick of that but anyway

Speaker 3:

I've been there as well actually (pause) with the school

Speaker 2:

the Lakes

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

oh we went to Stoke actually with middle school to (pause) think it was a mining museum (pause) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

was that (pause) eh oh what's it called Ironbridge or something no what's that I don't know what it's called something bridge

Speaker 2:

(unclear) I can't remember (unclear) that was all right but then (pause) last year (unclear) went away to (pause) Ibiza didn't we

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

us two and ehm

Speaker 3:

well with our friends

Speaker 2:

friends yeah (unclear) (pause) that was a change of scenery for me definitely from like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

the normal

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

then away to Corfu this year aren't we

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

should be good

Speaker 3:

mm-hm (pause) ehm (pause) talk bloody (interruption) talk (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) (pause) that's a ehm what else I suppose (pause) the first school that was (pause) well I was born in Hexham originally

Speaker 2:

well I was born in Hexham but I always lived in Chapel House

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

which is like two minutes from here (unclear) oh I I (unclear) dog (unclear)

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

where were we (laughter)

Speaker 2:

right well I suppose (unclear) I was born in Hexham and lived in (pause) went to (unclear) first school and that was canny that (unclear) the ducks we had to look after the ducks and the ehm (pause) ducks and the chickens that was (pause) we called the duck Waddle because he (pause) and then called the chicken Beardsley (interruption) for obvious reasons

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but I remember ehm I had to (pause) I was looking after I got told choose to look after them and once the the duck tried to attack us and I was backing off off to it I ended up chucking into the pond so

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

got a day off school like that

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and that school that's where I started playing football a bit seriously in the fifth year in that middle eh first school rather (pause) just (unclear) a few games (unclear)

Speaker 3:

mm (pause) ehm what you doing tomorrow night are you going down the club with (NAME)'s dad or owt (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) aye probably I suppose go and watch the

Speaker 3:

match (unclear) the World Cup

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

who do you think's going to win that

Speaker 2:

eh I fancy Brazil like well I've tipped them for the tournament

Speaker 3:

have you got money on have you

Speaker 2:

no no I I haven't but (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

you've tipped them anyway (laughter)

Speaker 2:

yeah a sort of a (pause) gentleman's tip

Speaker 3:

everyone's saying Brazil like but I don't think they'll do it

Speaker 2:

mm who've you got

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) (NAME) (unclear) brother reckons that but (pause) no can not see it myself

Speaker 3:

they always get the results out (unclear) like last time on the (pause) World Cup they were no good like but eh (pause) they still got to the final didn't they

Speaker 2:

aye I think their luck's running out though isn't it really

Speaker 3:

I suppose so Maradonna (unclear) player he was

Speaker 2:

he's past it (unclear) he says he's only going to play half sort of thing like he'll say when he's coming off

Speaker 3:

(laughter) aye I know

Speaker 2:

(unclear) front (unclear)

Speaker 3:

that's what John Harkes is doing for America as well he's not

Speaker 2:

is he not

Speaker 3:

no he's just playing the half he hasn't got the fitness

Speaker 2:

why not was he injured for Derby

Speaker 3:

ehm yeah he missed a bit of the season (pause) the end of the season

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

did you see the Republic (pause) players the other day did you see when eh Tommy Coyne he was knackered when he got off the plane wasn't he (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

yeah that's right he was (unclear) interviewed before (unclear) (pause) ehm on telly he was suffering from (pause) sickness and everything he had to

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

couldn't give a sample for three and a half hours a urine sample

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he was like that dry

Speaker 3:

be hard to play up there though won't it in that heat

Speaker 2:

mm (unclear) playing (interruption) those Italians (unclear) there sweltering

Speaker 3:

(laughter) aye aye it was okay about eight o'clock at night when the heat went down a bit but eh (pause) not four o'clock in the afternoon in the blazing sun or at (interruption) night (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) (pause) (unclear) anyway (unclear) (NAME)'s watch yesterday what happened was ehm (pause) because he lost his watch hadn't he

Speaker 3:

(laughter) aye

Speaker 2:

and I picked it up and put it in my bag and he didn't realize (pause) that he'd ehm (pause) but I forgot to tell him (unclear) come (unclear) and then I phoned him up to see maybe he's going to the barbecue (pause) later on about an hour later and I phoned him up and his mam said 'oh he's out looking for his watch'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(laughter) so I felt dead guilty so I had to go and get the car and pick eh (unclear) go and see him then when he first saw us he was ehm (pause) he thought oh oh he thought it's nice of you to come and help us then I told him he was eh

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he wasn't too pleased like

Speaker 3:

it was a bit nasty of you nicking it though wasn't it

Speaker 2:

oh I found it really I just forgot to tell him about it

Speaker 3:

(laughter) oh

Speaker 2:

well it was revenge for when he nicked yours (interruption) your watch

Speaker 3:

yeah I suppose so that means he'll not want to buy that watch off me anymore

Speaker 2:

mm well he might because the wrist was bust

Speaker 3:

was it

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

wey I would just swap them give them a straight swap and I'd get like the links taken out of the other one

Speaker 2:

mm (pause) in the barbecue last night we had ehm (pause) it's like this new design just like a paper bag with all the charcoal and you just light it (pause) straight away it goes up

Speaker 3:

doesn't take hours to light

Speaker 2:

no so there's just no fun in it really like there was nobody getting paraffin (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so (laughter) then eh when it died out a bit we put some more coal on we're trying to waft it up

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and (NAME) was ehm (pause) he was doing this with the plate and he (unclear) (unclear) (unclear) get some air and he caught the barbecue and spilt (unclear) all over

Speaker 3:

(laughter) I'm not surprised with his limbs (laughter) ehm (pause) what did (unclear) go around for anyway

Speaker 2:

well we just saw him (unclear) and well he lives next door just over the fence so (pause) invited him round so (unclear) a few bottles of lager and

Speaker 3:

yeah what's he doing now

Speaker 2:

he's ehm he got that job in Fenwick's

Speaker 3:

oh right does he need these A levels or not to do (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no well he only done a B TEC National

Speaker 3:

is he

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

in Ponteland

Speaker 2:

mm-hm so ehm (pause) that's equivalent to two A levels I think you're just you're virtually guaranteed to pass I think

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

starts August the ninth or something

Speaker 3:

what does he do when he's there

Speaker 2:

don't know just (unclear) (pause) meant to have had thousands wey hundreds of applicants for the job (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah well I went for it and you applied and all but

Speaker 2:

he's done quite well

Speaker 3:

yeah it's because he works (pause) on a Saturday anyway in one of the (interruption) shops (unclear) shops yeah

Speaker 2:

(unclear) mm

Speaker 3:

so that'll have helped him get in

Speaker 2:

(unclear) that's right but ehm (pause) we always I I took a B TEC National (unclear) equivalent to two A levels but it's nowhere near as hard is it

Speaker 3:

no (interruption) not really

Speaker 2:

people just seems to have all the time off but I mean you know (pause) A levels weren't that hard but

Speaker 3:

yeah it's vocational as well

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

bit more eh (pause) (interruption) well use

Speaker 2:

the the problem with business and finance (unclear) everyone seems to do that

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but I mean (NAME) (pause) don't know if you know him he used to go to our middle school he's doing eh engineering

Speaker 3:

like B TEC (interruption) engineering that's what (NAME) was doing wasn't he

Speaker 2:

mm (unclear) aye so he's like easy to get onto a degree course with that

Speaker 3:

yeah (unclear) HND anyway he'll get on won't he

Speaker 2:

yeah I know so

Speaker 3:

but most of them you can do degrees with anyway can't you like you can do an extra year or something

Speaker 2:

well do you know (NAME) (NAME) he used to work at the match

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he's ehm (pause) he's doing that he's well he was accepted for a two year (pause) HND in computers

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and they've let him join after his first year join the second year of the degree he was doing that well so (pause) he's quite lucky because I don't think he did too well in his A levels (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) any of them lot (pause) (NAME) (NAME)'s friends did they d any of them do all right or not

Speaker 2:

ehm do you know (NAME) (NAME) (NAME)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he was ehm he's he's doing dentistry

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so he's making a mint when he comes out after that

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

was ehm (pause) (unclear) I think the rest (pause) (unclear) (NAME) (NAME) (NAME) (NAME)'s brother he's ehm (pause) he's (unclear) dropped his second year out of his B TEC so he's like repeated it

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so he's just (unclear) his results this year (pause) but ehm (NAME) (NAME)'s away to with (NAME) to Romania for

Speaker 3:

have they gone now have they (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no I don't I'm not sure when they go (pause) but ehm to help out over there

Speaker 3:

it is quite good that though isn't it

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

taking the two years off to do that I mean the two weeks off

Speaker 2:

yeah so I had to sponsor him a fiver to do the ehm (pause) basketball because he's doing a sponsored basketball ehm (pause) well he's got to get so many baskets in an hour or something

Speaker 3:

oh right (interruption) how many about

Speaker 2:

(unclear) (unclear) I don't know can't remember but that's how he's making his money so

Speaker 3:

I'd be lucky if I got two an hour (laughter)

Speaker 2:

I can not (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I (unclear) basketball like

Speaker 3:

it's not my forte so to speak

Speaker 2:

no (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) (pause) ehm are you going to the match next year or are you playing rugby or what

Speaker 2:

well playing rugby on a Saturday so it's ehm (pause) it's little point (unclear) trying for a season ticket but you aren't are you are you

Speaker 3:

no I don't think so it's costing too much now

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

for the bonds and all that

Speaker 2:

that's shocking the bond scheme like pl pricing out all the (pause) like the lower classes aren't they just got to

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

all like the hardened fans they're just pricing out so (pause) doubt you'll be able to go to a match again (interruption) with all the

Speaker 3:

mm-hm wey not for a few years anyway

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

they've got a waiting list of about twenty thousand for season tickets

Speaker 2:

have they

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) they're all just jumping on the bandwagon as well aren't they

Speaker 3:

a lot of them are yeah

Speaker 2:

well look when (unclear) Jim Smith was there and Ossie Ardiles they weren't

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

not many people there well there was about twenty odd thousand but

Speaker 3:

yeah I would've renewed my season ticket if it had been like a bit later in the year (pause) when I might have had a job

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

but ehm at the minute it's a bit useless when I haven't got any money

Speaker 2:

aye I know (unclear) a bit expensive (NAME)'s got one hasn't he did he get a (interruption) loan from the bank

Speaker 3:

yeah he got a bank loan

Speaker 2:

and how much is this setting him back

Speaker 3:

eh three hundred pound (pause) well my mam and dad said they will (pause) eh lend us the money to renew it if eh (pause) they knew I had a job

Speaker 2:

mm (pause) that's I was going to take some money out of the bank and get one (pause) and then like sell it when I can't go on a Saturday then go on a Sunday and midweek (interruption) games

Speaker 3:

sell the tickets yeah

Speaker 2:

no it wasn't going to be worth it I don't think no

Speaker 3:

no (pause) so I think I'll just play football on a Saturday next year (pause) for a (interruption) team

Speaker 2:

mm who for

Speaker 3:

I'm not sure yet (pause) ehm the Masons they've got a team (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

is that Saturday (pause) what (NAME) (interruption) plays

Speaker 3:

yeah well he plays for the Airport on a Sunday but he did play for the Masons on a Saturday

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

which is quite lucky because eh (pause) having a season ticket he could like go to the match one week and then play football on (pause) the next

Speaker 2:

yeah so (pause) how'd he get to know about that

Speaker 3:

his uncle (laughter) owns the team (unclear) manages the team

Speaker 2:

does he

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I didn't know (unclear)

Speaker 3:

so he's going to give him a ring (pause) ask if he'll give me and (NAME) a shot

Speaker 2:

(unclear) don't know (unclear) (NAME) like (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) yeah

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

well I was saying to (NAME) like (pause) doesn't do they not have training or anything (pause) and ehm he reckons they don't they don't train at all so I was wondering how he (pause) like know how good you are but he says he'll not bother what match it is he'll just (pause) give you a half (pause) to see if you're any good

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

you know what I mean like it's not a friendly match or anything like that on a league match he'll give you a half

Speaker 2:

oh well at least ehm (NAME)'ll get (pause) a half game (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

mm-hm well he tries I suppose

Speaker 3:

(laughter) well he doesn't even do that really but eh

Speaker 2:

aye I know but ehm (pause) did you see he got ehm (pause) I can't believe he bought those suits for work he doesn't even have to (pause) wear them at DSS does he

Speaker 3:

no jeans and a T shirt

Speaker 2:

typical that

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he said he had some women on (pause) poor old woman (pause) on the phone to him

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

from London or something and eh (pause) he thinks she was dead lonely he was talking about the war and everything and he says he was he was he was like humouring her to start with then about (pause) half an hour later he just got a bit sick and said 'oh I'll have to go'

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but ehm (pause) can't be bad getting paid for that

Speaker 3:

no he says it's all right but

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I know why he likes it because there's a bandit there

Speaker 2:

oh he got it

Speaker 3:

he's obsessed like

Speaker 2:

he's got it bad (unclear) Wednesday when he had eleven pound

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and he spent three of it straight away on the bandit before he got there and he knew he didn't have any money for the weekend

Speaker 3:

was that all he had for the weekend like eleven pound

Speaker 2:

mm-hm (pause) but he still managed to get some out of his mam last night

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

then Friday night (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye Friday night he stayed in and watched (pause) eh the match

Speaker 2:

no not go down to the club did he not

Speaker 3:

no his dad was on night shifts so he didn't bother

Speaker 2:

oh (unclear)

Speaker 3:

but ehm his mam wasn't in or he reckons he would have came out with us (pause) on Friday

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

his mam wasn't in because she was she would have give him some money

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

oh so he couldn't get it off her

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

aye that's ehm (unclear)

Speaker 3:

so he didn't have much money really

Speaker 2:

mm I can't believe a week today (unclear) (pause) freedom's over so

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

starting work

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) (pause) I don't know

Speaker 3:

it's the real world isn't it

Speaker 2:

that's right I mean getting getting there'll be all right just getting the well my mam's dropping my dad off at school

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so she'll just ehm

Speaker 3:

(interruption) drop you off

Speaker 2:

drop me off before the bus stop but on the way home it's going to be a bit hard (unclear) trying to

Speaker 3:

oh there's plenty of buses coming back from Hexham (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no no I know it's like getting back to there but from the road ends

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's like a half hour walk which I don't (interruption) want to

Speaker 3:

ten minutes

Speaker 2:

it's not like it's half an hour I don't want that for after every night so I'll be getting in till about (pause) six or something

Speaker 3:

phew no might be later than that

Speaker 2:

mm that's right depends if we get the run of the buses I mean

Speaker 3:

yeah I know are you working on a weekend or not

Speaker 2:

no the bank doesn't open on a weekend (unclear)

Speaker 3:

just (pause) for well the banks do open on the weekends don't they

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

on the mornings anyway

Speaker 2:

mm I'm not working anyway I wouldn't I'd leave I

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

why because of your rugby

Speaker 2:

aye I wouldn't do that so

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but the first day I don't have to get there to ten

Speaker 3:

you what

Speaker 2:

next Monday don't have to get there to ten in the morning so I can ehm

Speaker 3:

is that always or just

Speaker 2:

no just the first day just (unclear) don't know why probably (unclear) to get sorted out and that

Speaker 3:

is there anyone else (interruption) (unclear) joining with you

Speaker 2:

one person joining yeah but I don't know if they start at the same time or not (pause) so I hope they're all right (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

good laugh (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

or a good looking girl

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

one (unclear) two yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so that should be all right but the people seemed all right at the interview there like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) there was only thirty people like so (pause) hopefully a couple of them'll be all right

Speaker 3:

well if one of them lives round here might be able to get a lift in off them

Speaker 2:

oh I I think I really do think that one of them's going to be going down (unclear)

Speaker 3:

like they have to really (interruption) don't they

Speaker 2:

(unclear) someone's going to be coming to Newcastle (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

if not all the way they might be able to like drop you off in (pause) (unclear) further down in Corbridge or something like that or

Speaker 2:

yeah definitely (pause) can I just go and get the dog in please (unclear)

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) (pause) right (pause) well I mean I'm sure someone's going to be coming down the (pause) ehm well the Hexham Road into Newcastle from there

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I was I was hoping because

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

fifty I mean it's fifty five pound a month (unclear)

Speaker 3:

for a bus pass

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

yeah well if you just chip in for some petrol or something (interruption) you'll be all right

Speaker 2:

(unclear) well say I s say put halfer halfers in the petrol

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

shouldn't be bad I don't think but ehm

Speaker 3:

aye well be about (pause) (unclear) tenners a week won't they to get there and back

Speaker 2:

mm-hm I (unclear) so if I put fiver in (pause) save me money and them money as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

my dad's suggesting putting the advert in the window at (pause) the sh the shops just to see if anyone wants to go to

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Hexham yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so I mean

Speaker 3:

that's a good idea actually because there's bound to be some people from round here'll go up there isn't there

Speaker 2:

mm I'll definitely if it's going to half the the cost of it

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but I think (pause) as soon I like started as soon as I get a pay rise I would (pause) well after six months get profit sharing so (pause) going to put all that towards you know for a car myself

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm not really sure I think it's just ehm (pause) (unclear) you get a bit of performance at the bank (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

oh right so if they make a profit you get like say (pause) (interruption) half of nought point one percent or something (interruption)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) aye (interruption) yeah (unclear) better than nothing isn't it

Speaker 3:

(laughter) aye I suppose

Speaker 2:

but ehm I want to get a chance to go to Newcastle as soon as possible because (pause) Hexham's a bit of a bit of a hike everyday up to there

Speaker 3:

can not complain though (interruption) (unclear) the job doesn't it

Speaker 2:

no (unclear) (pause) but I suppose half an hour on the bus it's the same as the amount of time it'd take to get into town

Speaker 3:

yeah I know

Speaker 2:

when you think of all of the traffic and everything

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) doesn't really matter anyway does it (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no I suppose

Speaker 3:

just going to be sitting on a bus not going to kill you

Speaker 2:

mm-hm (unclear) I think the first lot of banking exams are your correspondence which (pause) prefer to get day release but I suppose it's

Speaker 3:

what's correspondence like

Speaker 2:

I could just do it at home you just (pause) (interruption) write away

Speaker 3:

(unclear) distance learning

Speaker 2:

mm-hm yeah but I think that's (pause) that was just because ehm (pause) when it was (unclear) first (unclear) was day release so all the people taking a year off who didn't even want to do the exams

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) like a day out of the bank every (pause) week and they were just mucking on and failing the year and that's a wasted year for the bank

Speaker 3:

yeah because the banks normally pay for the exams (interruption) don't they

Speaker 2:

yeah (unclear) yeah I think they pay (unclear) correspondence the I think after if I've passed my first lot then it's like day release sort of thing and

Speaker 3:

oh right yeah

Speaker 2:

and I get the and then I get all that

Speaker 3:

suppose the first six months could be (pause) like correspondence until you see whether you really want to do it or not

Speaker 2:

mm-hm it's going to be a bit nervous that trying to (pause) make a good impression and everything so

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

oh I'm sure I'll be all right

Speaker 3:

are you looking forward to it or not

Speaker 2:

yeah I s I suppose yeah I am just hope I enjoy it really (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) mam and dad think I might be bored when I'm there but

Speaker 3:

yeah it's all right if you're in with a good set of people (unclear)

Speaker 2:

that's it because I mean when I did my work experience (unclear) did ehm Olympus Sports

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

just I mean that hardly wouldn't have thought it'd be exciting but it was ehm (pause) it was (unclear) seemed all right (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) the people all right were they

Speaker 2:

yeah that was (unclear) dealing with customers and everything that'd be ehm

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it was a a change but (pause) with a bank I think it'll be two or three years before you get out of the back room and on to the (pause) ehm like the cash points not the cash points the like the front desk meeting the people

Speaker 3:

oh yeah

Speaker 2:

so that'll keep you (pause) occupied a bit

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but ehm (pause) where did you do your work experience again (unclear)

Speaker 3:

done it at ehm (pause) the Health Authority (pause) auditing

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

but ehm I didn't enjoy that it was just because I was in with like people who were twenty years older than us and all that

Speaker 2:

yeah that's (interruption) hard

Speaker 3:

and there wasn't really many spoke to us

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I didn't enjoy that at all it put us off a bit (pause) whereas when I went eh surveying and I done (pause) like work experience surveying and eh I think it was just because the people were more my age

Speaker 2:

well that's it (unclear) good laugh sort of thing don't they

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

yeah (unclear) but I suppose Olympus Sports they were all just a similar age but

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I got the impression there I was just being it was ehm (pause) another week's help like unpaid (pause) help you know

Speaker 3:

oh yeah

Speaker 2:

it was like they have work experience every week of the year

Speaker 3:

do they

Speaker 2:

well I th I saw the list with about forty nine (unclear) week so

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and that's and they they work they work you hard

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like I remember I had to go and play football I mean rugby (pause) and I wanted to be let out about say a half four and they said 'we'll let you but (unclear) (pause) don't have your lunch hour' sort of thing I mean that (pause) (interruption) when you're not getting paid

Speaker 3:

it's a bit nasty on work experience like isn't it

Speaker 2:

yeah exactly I suppose they're trying to get you what it's really like but

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's their excuse (unclear) don't believe that I think it's just

Speaker 3:

yeah I know getting eh free labour

Speaker 2:

mm-hm mm-hm (pause) yeah I suppose you have have a good time (unclear) seems to have a good time at work don't they

Speaker 3:

well (laughter) I wouldn't say that but eh

Speaker 2:

wey (unclear) does (unclear) he seems to (interruption) (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye he's all right because he knew a few of the people anyway before he started

Speaker 2:

did he

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

oh I didn't know that

Speaker 3:

aye he knew a few before he started so (pause) which isn't a surprise for (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

definitely (unclear) but what about (NAME) I think (NAME) seems

Speaker 3:

well he didn't like Vicker's so much (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no but there was (pause) wh whole loads his age though weren't there

Speaker 3:

aye I know but I don't know why he didn't like it he just I don't think he was too keen on the whole place

Speaker 2:

mm I don't think he wanted to be an engineer (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah I know because eh it was forty pound a week I don't think that's what he was keen on

Speaker 2:

no I know

Speaker 3:

he's not gone up much more now like to sixty quid

Speaker 2:

no that's (unclear)

Speaker 3:

suppose (pause) it's a bit better isn't it

Speaker 2:

yeah it seems a better job as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) (NAME) like his work at the (pause) because he was doing (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

he did like it (pause) at first when he was getting loads of money and that and eh

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

he could afford when no one else had one (pause) but ehm he's not too keen on it anymore he gets all the like bad jobs to do

Speaker 2:

yeah I think I think at the end of the day they don't (pause) earn earn money (unclear) on but (pause) when they get to about twenty five they can't go any higher

Speaker 3:

mm-hm (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

like engineers well not engineers maybe but (pause) (unclear) mechanics (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like (NAME) says he can only get up to ehm (pause) three twenty when he's finished

Speaker 3:

does ehm he mend (pause) escalators or something

Speaker 2:

mm well (unclear) the Metros and everything

Speaker 3:

oh right (pause) I wasn't sure what he did I haven't seen him for a long time like since we left school

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

at least since he left in the fifth year

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

seen him about twice or something since then I didn't even recognize him one of the times

Speaker 2:

it's not surprising

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but (unclear) (pause) (unclear) he gets day release as well I think he gets

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

gets qualified which is (pause) important (interruption) suppose

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

yeah so you reckon you well how do you reckon you'll do in your interview tomorrow

Speaker 3:

I don't know see how it goes got my patter sorted out I think

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

had a bit of a read on (pause) like what they do and that

Speaker 2:

mm so what are you going to say to them

Speaker 3:

(laughter) well it depends what they ask (interruption) really

Speaker 2:

(unclear) if (unclear) said 'why do you want the job' or something like

Speaker 3:

because I think it'd be a fulfilling career

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

and I've been aiming to do (pause) that sort of career since eh the fifth year I even took my A levels with that kind of career in mind

Speaker 2:

mm that'll impress them I think that's yeah that was the problem I had when I went (unclear) (pause) like I said I wanted to do surveying which I did in fifth year and everything but

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

my history and geography (pause) doesn't really go with it

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but ehm

Speaker 3:

I think ehm what'd be helpful at school is if they (pause) like taught you interview techniques

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

because I think a lot of people don't like being put on the spot when they get in (unclear) like they've got no idea what's coming

Speaker 2:

yeah that's definitely (unclear)

Speaker 3:

I mean they tell you what kind of jobs you should be doing and this that and t'other

Speaker 2:

(unclear) I thought found the sixth form was totally geared towards university

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

eh (unclear) Mr (unclear) the head of sixth sixth form he wasn't he basically wasn't interested unless you were going to do some sort of eh (pause) who had done three A levels expected three As and away to Oxford sort of thing

Speaker 3:

yeah I know what you mean like

Speaker 2:

or went to the Christian Union

Speaker 3:

(laughter) or did physics

Speaker 2:

mm (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) so that like includes just about everyone in the sixth form but us two doesn't it

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

yeah (unclear) but he ehm aye I reckon your maths'll stand you in good stead tomorrow (pause) because ehm when I went I even though I was on low upper six was it upper six or lower six

Speaker 3:

oh it was lower

Speaker 2:

it must have been towards the end

Speaker 3:

it was this time last year you went

Speaker 2:

might have been aye aye might have been

Speaker 3:

think it was anyway (pause) (unclear) talking about Steve Bruce

Speaker 2:

mm no it was wasn't because it was my dad had that job that came up before for Patterson's (pause) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

oh yeah it was upper six wasn't it

Speaker 2:

mm that was in lower six (unclear) I came home from holiday expecting to (pause) find a reply but (pause) never heard owt about three months and then saying you hadn't got it (pause) but yeah

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) because I even that's right I was in upper six (pause) but I would have had to ehm (pause) do a B TEC National in eh (pause) quantity surveying because I hadn't done (unclear) sort of thing

Speaker 3:

at Patterson's?

Speaker 2:

no at ehm Wimpey

Speaker 3:

oh right I was going to say

Speaker 2:

(unclear) so (pause) but I'd be a year older (pause) and and I've done maths I think they would I would just have went straight on to the HND

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

which is what you're doing I think is it

Speaker 3:

yeah that's what that's what they're saying anyway

Speaker 2:

mm (pause) have you h heard from Laing was it Laing was it (unclear)

Speaker 3:

oh yeah ehm we haven't heard back (unclear) they haven't said that they've got my letter or anything

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) the way it goes (interruption) isn't it

Speaker 2:

most of them most of them are I think

Speaker 3:

yeah ehm (pause) oh I was going to say something oh yeah ehm have you been watching the cricket this week

Speaker 2:

aye yeah I was just ehm (pause) just this morning (unclear) they got two (unclear) ehm (pause) two wickets straight away

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

the (pause) New Zealanders so (pause) don't know what the score is now (unclear) (pause) nearly tea I think so (pause) if they haven't got any wickets I think England I don't think England'll get the runs they need to win

Speaker 3:

well they needed four hundred and seven and no one's ever done that before

Speaker 2:

mm (interruption) I think that's why they set it didn't they

Speaker 3:

got that much (unclear) (pause) yeah

Speaker 2:

because ehm (pause) yeah did you watch the cricket the highlights last night

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Geoff Boycott's brilliant isn't he (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he's got no idea (unclear) what he's doing

Speaker 3:

(laughter) he hasn't like

Speaker 2:

(unclear) well I've got to I've got to phone up the night about ehm (pause) the one day international at (pause) Old Trafford

Speaker 3:

yeah are you going to book tickets or are you just going to (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

you've got to book them there's ehm they it's all been sold out the only one's they've got are the ones that've been returned

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so but the woman thinks there'll be some twenty two pound ones returned so ehm

Speaker 3:

there will be or there have been

Speaker 2:

there will be well there were some thirty four pound ones

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's a bit steep like but it's once a year and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and we have the money from holiday which is that's best thing this year (unclear) getting paid (pause) couple hundred pound for ehm sitting on the beach like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

it's all right for some isn't it

Speaker 2:

yeah well you never know you might have a job by then

Speaker 3:

hopefully hopefully

Speaker 2:

well you'll find out from Wimpey (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

straight away next couple of days

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but (pause) excuse me but ehm (pause) yeah so then that's hopefully get twenty two pound tickets

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and then it's only it's twenty six on the train there and back

Speaker 3:

dead expensive for like one day (unclear) twenty two quid for a ticket

Speaker 2:

yeah it is I know especially (unclear)

Speaker 3:

they'll not be good seats really either f for like

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

if there's thirty four quid ones as well

Speaker 2:

well I bet twenty two pound ones'll be where the better laugh is

Speaker 3:

aye I suppose

Speaker 2:

like at the Jesmond cricket

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

every year well last year it was raining wasn't it

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

was that your first year

Speaker 3:

it's the only time I've been yeah

Speaker 2:

yeah (unclear) we went about first time about four years ago that was brilliant that it was dead hot day and everyone was just

Speaker 3:

drunk (interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

drunk yeah we weren't but ehm but (pause) and just a laugh with all the banter and everything (unclear) brilliant

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) it was all right last year for a bit when eh (pause) I don't know what he's called one of the cricketers was right next to where we were and everyone was like (unclear) and all that

Speaker 2:

mm oh Neil Fairbrother (interruption) he was g he got beer from the crowd

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) yeah

Speaker 2:

(unclear) was it but ehm (pause) (unclear) funny but that Martin Crowe I don't know if he was there last year but (pause) (unclear) (unclear) got a century he used to be dead grumpy him

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

never had a laugh at all

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like they once got got eh (pause) Michael Atherton moved (pause) (unclear) in front of us

Speaker 3:

oh right

Speaker 2:

he was he was getting so much hassle

Speaker 3:

I offered Peter Such a can of beer last year and eh (pause) he knocked us back like

Speaker 2:

that's right yeah we got up on the ehm

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) on top of the pavilion weren't (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) nowt no

Speaker 3:

don't know why he knocked us back like something to do with the fact it was half open and

Speaker 2:

mm-hm and he was from Essex

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) but ehm (pause) (unclear) US Open golf's got the

Speaker 3:

oh yeah there's a three way playoff the day

Speaker 2:

it's normally just the one hole but

Speaker 3:

aye eighteen holes because I think it's because there's three people in it

Speaker 2:

mm-hm all three of them bogeyed the last hole

Speaker 3:

did they

Speaker 2:

that's if (unclear) one of them had (pause) got a par they would've then won all three of them

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so that should be canny good but Wimbledon'll have that (pause) most (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like in between the sets getting the score

Speaker 3:

yeah who was it Ernie Els or something from South Africa

Speaker 2:

yeah it's some American I've never heard of him and Colin Montgomery from (pause) Scotland

Speaker 3:

(laughter) there's thousands of American golfers that you never heard of and they come win (interruption) the tournament

Speaker 2:

aye every every year and then they go away (unclear) (unclear) aye

Speaker 3:

Chip Buck or something like that (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) did you watch (unclear) when they they've got plans to change (unclear) football game

Speaker 3:

phew aye

Speaker 2:

ridiculous that it's like (unclear) netball isn't it where you can't only go in certain zones and

Speaker 3:

yeah there's there's going to be like (pause) (unclear) three thirds

Speaker 2:

three (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

one for mid fielders one for defenders one for attackers

Speaker 2:

and (unclear) you get three points if you score from halfway (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) well that means the attackers can never score from there because they can only go in like their third of the pitch and that wasn't included

Speaker 2:

yeah I know so I know that it's just ridiculous typical America man (unclear) but it will never happen world stage but

Speaker 3:

yeah I know I suppose if you think about it it'll be more (pause) skill and all that won't there because eh people are going to be shooting from like halfway line and all that whereas they normally wouldn't (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

mm I think there's enough sk I think it's (pause) perfect game the way it is I (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye I like it the way it is (unclear) it's played in every country isn't it

Speaker 2:

mm just apart from America and they've got it and like no one knows (unclear)

Speaker 3:

mm still getting big crowds though aren't they for like

Speaker 2:

but all the Americans I'm (pause) thinking like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I mean because like a America (unclear) just thousands of people from (pause) like Ireland and Italy over there and all that (unclear) (interruption) like (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye like live there

Speaker 2:

aye all the immigrants they're going to watch it aren't they but like the Americans themselves

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it's a strange place like have you seen New York they've got like little China little Italy little (pause) America (laughter)

Speaker 2:

aye I know big Ireland I think now

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

some drink some Guinness over there at the moment

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

yeah but I I've definitely we've (unclear) it's like France in four years the World Cup that'll be

Speaker 3:

be brilliant that

Speaker 2:

easy to get to that won't it just to all get along there

Speaker 3:

through the Channel Tunnel I don't fancy the idea of that the Channel Tunnel like at all

Speaker 2:

no I think it'd be easy to be bombed

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like easy to for terrorists (unclear) like

Speaker 3:

eh my mam says eh how doesn't the water go in from all the cracks and all that she doesn't seem to realize it's underneath like the sea bed

Speaker 2:

yeah (pause) yeah I see aye I see what she means but eh

Speaker 3:

(laughter) she thought it just like went through the water

Speaker 2:

(laughter) aye typical

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm (unclear) I don't know (unclear) in the tunnel like we'll just go with the ferry

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) good laugh that (unclear) going there and

Speaker 3:

I like going on ferries I think they're like they're all right to go on (unclear)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

got plenty to do and all isn't there

Speaker 2:

(unclear) Sweden went to Sweden that was class that twenty seven hours there and back

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

don't know if I could fancy twenty seven hours like but eh

Speaker 2:

oh it was all right (unclear) well (pause) it's the people (unclear) with really you know keeps entertaining

Speaker 3:

yeah is there a disco on and all that

Speaker 2:

mm-hm (pause) on the way back (unclear) we got stopped for the ehm (pause) because the waves were that high we had to stop for an hour in the middle of the ocean

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and it was just going up and down like that it was ridiculous didn't have to dance in the disco you just stood there (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

side to side

Speaker 3:

what did you go to Sweden for

Speaker 2:

I said man just the with the scouts

Speaker 3:

oh right

Speaker 2:

it was ehm (unclear) first week was International Camp

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) that was that was canny (pause) was ehm (pause) the Germans were there (unclear) a massive black tent and they kept away from everyone like just

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but all the others were a good laugh then we had a it was like an inter comp inter area volleyball tournament which was always a good laugh as well

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like each (pause) I think every country had its own (pause) team (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that was good and the second week we went to ehm Gothenburg and stayed with a (pause) a family

Speaker 3:

oh right

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

ehm talking about volleyball that one down at Whitley Bay was good that competition we went in for down there

Speaker 2:

oh aye no aye it's mint on the grass

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

when you can dive about and everything

Speaker 3:

I thought it was only going to be on like for a couple of hours in the morning or something I didn't realize it was all day

Speaker 2:

aye I know it was just a laugh (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

there was teams from Birmingham or something there wasn't there

Speaker 2:

there was aye they were with those eh (pause) (unclear) wasn't it (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(laughter) aye

Speaker 2:

there was a few of them

Speaker 3:

I don't know what they were there for though like (interruption) why'd they come all the way up here for that (interruption)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (unclear) (interruption) I think there was a serious men's tournament

Speaker 3:

oh right

Speaker 2:

(unclear) just like a local school tournament

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that that was a good laugh (unclear) so

Speaker 3:

good game that (unclear) do that again

Speaker 2:

mm we (unclear) golf (unclear) (NAME) (unclear) eh well myself going put the ehm (pause) application in for Westerhope (pause) golf club to join it

Speaker 3:

oh yeah

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I haven't got any golf clubs (interruption) so I've got one (unclear)

Speaker 2:

no well I haven't got any I've got a golf bag and trolley

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

actually (NAME) next door's got my trolley but the golf clubs are too small (unclear) so I'll get some good ones well if I g I get membership

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

my brother's got a a set like so's my uncle

Speaker 2:

like (unclear) brother

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

taxi driver

Speaker 3:

yeah but ehm he never gets out to play anymore because he's on day shift

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

eh on the taxis

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so he never gets out anymore really to play

Speaker 2:

yeah so how many hours does he work then (unclear)

Speaker 3:

don't know he just I think it's when they feel like it more or less

Speaker 2:

oh right is he ehm (pause) does he make much money like does he

Speaker 3:

well (pause) he makes about (pause) four hundred quid a week but like eh about well more or less half of that goes on petrol money

Speaker 2:

mm (pause) aye I suppose (unclear)

Speaker 3:

and he's got two kids as well to look after so

Speaker 2:

well (pause) (NAME) (unclear) canny he's just passed his degree but ehm (pause) he starts labouring today actually (pause) for ehm

Speaker 3:

does he

Speaker 2:

(NAME) (laughter) you know the the (unclear) we stayed at

Speaker 3:

oh yeah

Speaker 2:

in Sheffield (pause) him he said he's labouring but (pause) he hasn't actually he ha didn't apply for any jobs (pause) beforehand and now he's just applying for them now

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so like once (unclear) the summer's rush is over he's saying so

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that should be ehm (pause) hopefully he'll get a job and (pause) he was there was one at Preston (unclear) county council but he didn't want to take that because it was ehm (pause) ehm well because industry doesn't look (unclear) too good at the council like they think the standards are low

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so (unclear)

Speaker 3:

is that civil engineering

Speaker 2:

mm no no structural he didn't want to do civil I don't think (pause) (unclear) was a joint degree

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

mm but (pause) I don't know I think civil's the house one and structural's the building (pause) might be wrong like eh bridges and everything

Speaker 3:

no that's civil engineering (interruption) bridges and that (interruption)

Speaker 2:

(interruption) (unclear) is it (interruption) (unclear) that's what he wants to do he wants to do the big the big stuff

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

like bridges so ehm (pause) but I think he said there was one at ehm (pause) he's applied for one in (unclear) industry I think I think he's got to work for five years till he gets chartered

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

gets ehm (pause) so hopefully he'll do that

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) (pause) (unclear) (NAME)'s brother yesterday I (unclear) that he'd been playing golf with his dad and he came in to the barbecue (pause) and he was saying ehm (pause) he's staying on and he wants to be a chemist

Speaker 3:

he's staying on doing A levels

Speaker 2:

(unclear) he's only at fourth year now

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he wants to be a chemist so I think he's asking which ones to do

Speaker 3:

a chemist

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

what do you mean by a chemist a chemist's where you buy things from

Speaker 2:

mm-hm (unclear) he makes makes all the stuff behind the

Speaker 3:

oh you mean the oh I know what you mean yeah

Speaker 2:

mm oh he'll not serve on the till like but

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so he was ehm (pause) I think he wants to do well he's going to have to do chemistry and physics but I think he doesn't want to do (pause) doesn't want to do three (interruption) sciences

Speaker 3:

(unclear) you don't even need A levels to do that (pause) there's one in ehm there was a job the other day I seen and ehm you needed just to do GCSE science

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

you need to pass that

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

and he could do that

Speaker 2:

I actu I (unclear) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

it's just down Lemington (pause) as well

Speaker 2:

mm (unclear) I think he wants to well (pause) obviously more (pause) qualifications you get the better it'll be (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

making more money in there and so (pause) I think like but

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so (pause) I don't think he wants do he only wants to do like two sciences (pause) and he's asking which (pause) like about whether history and geography are any good (unclear) (pause) geography was easy wasn't it really

Speaker 3:

it was quite easy yeah

Speaker 2:

it's just a case of revision at the end and (pause) do your course during the (pause) so I says that was probably easiest to do that history was no (unclear) well it was (pause) fairly easy but (pause) the teaching was rubbish

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

he'll probably change his mind anyway in a couple of (interruption) (unclear) by the end of fourth year

Speaker 2:

yeah fourth year (unclear) anything like me I changed my mind every day

Speaker 3:

(laughter) (pause) I always fancied being a footballer like but eh

Speaker 2:

no no you never (interruption) know

Speaker 3:

(unclear) something special

Speaker 2:

mm I think (unclear) could have made it actually (interruption) (unclear) (interruption)

Speaker 3:

(interruption) aye (interruption) (unclear) stupid giving up when he did like

Speaker 2:

(unclear) you see him like in the training (unclear) knocking about when (unclear) when he's headering the ball he's brilliant he is

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he never misses in front of goal and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

if he sorted his fitness out he'd be brilliant

Speaker 3:

yeah I know do you know why he eh jacked it in (unclear)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

because eh the Newcastle manager had a bit of a go at him like the the eh kids things so he just told the bloke there he didn't ever want to play again and he didn't bit of a waste really like isn't it

Speaker 2:

yeah I suppose but

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't have done that like I'm sure I would have played on

Speaker 2:

no (pause) I know there's plenty of us want to but

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

don't well it's like (NAME) (NAME) isn't it he could've went to Charlton but didn't want to get (pause) homesick

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he (unclear) Newcastle because he wanted to finish his A levels

Speaker 3:

mm there's a few players I know who could have (pause) signed for people and they didn't want to like (NAME) (NAME) was (pause) goalkeeper and he could have went to Nottingham Forest or something couldn't he

Speaker 2:

mm (pause) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

school of excellence or something and he said no

Speaker 2:

mm (laughter) (unclear) (pause) so aye so oh it's a waste but he's just stealing cars now isn't he I think down in ehm

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

down at Throckley

Speaker 3:

typical isn't it

Speaker 2:

(unclear) where he is (unclear) does he

Speaker 3:

yeah but ehm (pause) go away oi

Speaker 2:

he's ehm (pause) but seeing eh (unclear) staying at (NAME)'s house at Sheffield I quite fancy getting a sharing a house now with people I think

Speaker 3:

yeah I know

Speaker 2:

(unclear) good laugh didn't (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye he has a good time he can do what he wants

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm dying to get away from my mum and dad like definitely

Speaker 2:

I I suppose yeah

Speaker 3:

that was the one thing about university which would have been good if I'd went away

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

getting away from them but

Speaker 2:

oh that's right if you go to university you've got to go away haven't you

Speaker 3:

yeah I wouldn't fancy staying at home really

Speaker 2:

mm-hm well I suppose it's not too late (unclear)

Speaker 3:

eh I'm I'm eligible for clearing but

Speaker 2:

(unclear) I might go next year see how I go

Speaker 3:

if eh (pause) work doesn't

Speaker 2:

I hope you will (pause) possibly when have you got to go to Sandhurst for that (pause) army thing

Speaker 3:

ehm (pause) that's well it'll be about September when we have to go there and they're taking the people on in October (pause) but eh the interview's in July for it (pause) so it's like two months after the interview (pause) you go to Sandhurst

Speaker 2:

mm there's yeah what's the interview at the at the (pause) Newcastle

Speaker 3:

yeah the interview's at Newcastle and then

Speaker 2:

(unclear) Sandhurst is a four day thing

Speaker 3:

eh three days yeah but that's like you're on (pause) sort of like trial the whole time

Speaker 2:

mm I wouldn't mm (pause) I would quite f I wouldn't fancy that sort of (unclear) just

Speaker 3:

for three days or

Speaker 2:

yeah just the fact you're on trial because everyone's trying to impress aren't you like eh

Speaker 3:

yeah I know

Speaker 2:

you don't know whether to like (pause) show off sort of thing or sit back and let other people make fools of themselves (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I suppose you've got to show you're leaders haven't you

Speaker 3:

yeah I know (pause) well it's just all it is is like eh three days of team work (pause) and all it is

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

is showing that you can work in a team like (pause) I've read a few things (unclear) and it's just you've got to put in a few ideas yourself to every

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

like thing that you've got to overcome

Speaker 2:

I suppose yeah you have to

Speaker 3:

I've done plenty of that in my life so (pause) should be okay for it

Speaker 2:

yeah I w I fancy the army but I wouldn't fancy doing Ireland really (unclear) tour Ireland

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) presume

Speaker 3:

a lot of people (pause) (unclear) knows in the army reckon it's okay when you get over there

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

like you hear all the stories there is people get killed obviously but (pause) ehm most of the Irish people are like (pause) glad that you're there the Northern Irish anyway

Speaker 2:

yeah well it's ehm (unclear) we got a taxi back with this (unclear) bloke once and he said that that ehm (pause) that they all like you that he actually did volunteered to stay on again sort of thing you know he

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

after the tour he said 'oh I'll go again'

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) there's also a couple of years in Germany and that (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

mm oh I don't know whether that might might be shutting down now probably

Speaker 3:

the German one why

Speaker 2:

due to the fact that it's ehm (pause) united sort of thing (unclear)

Speaker 3:

aye I suppose might be

Speaker 2:

but ehm my dad's cousin's got a good number at ehm (pause) Cyprus after because he was on the Herald Of Free Enterprise and he ehm (pause) well he broke his damaged his knee or something after that

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

because he got some sort of (pause) medal bravery medal they didn't discharge him (pause) so he got promoted and he's a staff sergeant at ehm (pause) Cyprus because he's got to be in the hot weather

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

because he gets arthritis on his knee otherwise

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and he's dead cushy (unclear) he says

Speaker 3:

it is a bit lucky that like isn't it

Speaker 2:

I know (pause) that's where my granddad was in the war actually he was saying (pause) well he was at he was at ehm (unclear) he was at Dunkirk first

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so (unclear) I suppose like he'd done his bit there then ehm he got posted to Cyprus because that they thought the Germans (unclear) land there (pause) and he managed to get posted there for the last three years

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(laughter) which was canny good because all he was doing was building houses

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I suppose he deserved it after Dunkirk

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but ehm (pause) he also managed he didn't manage to get any leave for five years (pause) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

my grandma wasn't too pleased about but eh

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I think he was

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

yeah my auntie's bought a eh (pause) a villa in Cyprus like

Speaker 2:

has she

Speaker 3:

aye so we might be able to go over there sometime

Speaker 2:

mm like eh (NAME)'s uncle's ehm

Speaker 3:

aye but she's moving there she's moving there like

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

ehm in the winter she's going to stay over there like in the summer she's going to come back here (pause) because she's got a lot of money off her husband like her husband died

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

and ehm she says 'oh well I'm not going to be like the richest woman in the graveyard' so she's splashed out a bit

Speaker 2:

that's it like definitely

Speaker 3:

so like she goes over there for six months it's not sort of eh (pause) in like a big holiday resort or anything it's near one of them I'm not sure which (interruption) one it is

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

but it's like a proper (pause) village like Cypriot village

Speaker 2:

oh right

Speaker 3:

not tourism and all that but eh (pause) she was saying like if I ever wanted to go over in the summer (pause) we could

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

as long as he doesn't wreck the place

Speaker 2:

yeah well I suppose we (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but eh (pause) but I still fancy going to either New Zealand or Canada (interruption) personally

Speaker 3:

(laughter) (unclear) but

Speaker 2:

yeah but I I've got I'll get a job in (pause) New Zealand because ehm my friend from rugby was there who's who's gone back

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

his dad (pause) sort of ehm (pause) well he owns a farm but it's got this scheme where it employs like the tourist (pause) all those people who want to work for a year like on holiday

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so like you're guaranteed a job there with him (pause) you want to spend all day milking cows and everything like (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

suppose (unclear) canny

Speaker 3:

aye there's more (pause) sheep and cows than people (unclear) there

Speaker 2:

mm-hm yeah more eh three to one I think sheep

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but ehm (pause) like Canada my grandma and grandda went there they (unclear) brilliant like so

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) well (unclear) only wanted to go to Canada for the Guinness (unclear)

Speaker 2:

well (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

surely that should be Ireland

Speaker 2:

you could go I I don't (unclear) just for the Guinness there but

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I (unclear) go to Ireland as well but that's just for a holiday

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

why do you like Guinness more than anything else like anyway

Speaker 2:

I don't know it was since eh Murphy's Bar in Ibiza (pause) I c I couldn't didn't like a drink of it at all but then as soon as I got there (pause) I can not get off the stuff now (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's nice

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

sc I still normally (unclear) Scotch like (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah I love that

Speaker 2:

(unclear) (pause) (interruption) yeah

Speaker 3:

it's gorgeous (laughter)

Speaker 2:

mm-hm (pause) and (unclear) as well from the eh social club (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah that was quite handy having that for seventy five pence a bottle wasn't it

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

think a lot of people started drinking it then didn't they

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

even (NAME) (pause) the lager drinker

Speaker 2:

aye (unclear) but ehm

Speaker 3:

he wouldn't touch Brown Ale before that would he

Speaker 2:

(unclear) I was speaking to (unclear) I was talking to ehm (pause) (NAME)'s brother again last night he's in the scouts

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and he's fif fifteen four fifteen yeah and he's going to the same thing like going on camp and all the leaders buy you the ehm (pause) get the crates of beer in (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

for you and you pay them

Speaker 3:

yeah did your mam know that eh when you went you were getting (pause) like all the beer and all that when you were fifteen

Speaker 2:

I I don't know ehm (pause) (unclear) came back from Kielder that time remember that time when eh

Speaker 3:

(laughter) (interruption) (unclear) crashed

Speaker 2:

ehm pardon

Speaker 3:

was that when you crashed

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

when well I didn't crash (unclear)

Speaker 3:

just the

Speaker 2:

(unclear) can remember (NAME) saying (unclear) said to (NAME) she must he must think we're stupid that the (pause) four teenagers going away don't go to the pub sort of thing

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

didn't want to say anything so

Speaker 3:

yeah all mams and dads have got this like high image of the scouts and that don't they they think it's (pause) dead good thing to be into and all that but all the ones I know just go away to get drunk

Speaker 2:

yeah well my mam I know my mam's always saying oh you they thought you were going away on holidays like (pause) climbing holidays and everything

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and I was thinking oh

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but they can not see it that the people are complete

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

idiot idiots (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I think it's just the image isn't it

Speaker 3:

well if they know (NAME) across the road

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

they must know what it's like

Speaker 2:

(laughter) but there's a lot of them a lot of them are closing down actually the units do you know the one at the house on the hill

Speaker 3:

oh yeah

Speaker 2:

ehm that's shut down because weren't enough people going

Speaker 3:

yeah I think it's gone out of fashion a bit hasn't it

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

when I was about eight or nine like everyone wanted to join the cubs (pause) it was the in thing to (interruption) do you know what I mean

Speaker 2:

mm (unclear) I know (pause) well our age group at cubs (unclear) scouts it was (pause) hundreds there sort of thing

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and all of the camps you did some brilliant stuff like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

they all used to go and make their own activities like play eh (pause) well (unclear) sort of thing by theirselves

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and (unclear) but ehm I noticed when I started helping out with the scouts and cubs that ehm (pause) now all the kids do is sit around the fire waiting for people to organize stuff for them

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and they're never too happy I don't know

Speaker 3:

I think it's quite good because like you get out of if you live like in the city and all that you get out to go into the countryside

Speaker 2:

mm (pause) oh definitely (unclear) (pause) so

Speaker 3:

it's a change isn't it

Speaker 2:

it's great oh oh I know (unclear) (pause) I mean stuff (unclear) always having fires and everything you know and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's a good laugh

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) I always had a good laugh when I (unclear)

Speaker 2:

where'd you go like (unclear)

Speaker 3:

oh I can't remember it was ages ago I've been everywhere (pause) camping and stuff like that I was a bit scared the first time I went camping because I was (unclear) (unclear) I just got scared because we were in the middle of a wood

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I was only a little bairn but eh (pause) I don't know

Speaker 2:

I remember (unclear) lots of people that got homesick (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he got homesick (unclear)

Speaker 3:

in the night in the middle of the night I don't know (unclear) I think it was all the ghost stories and that (laughter)

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

get you a bit worked up

Speaker 2:

he used to get homesick coming to my house and it was like four doors away

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

he would never sleep the night he would always go home crying

Speaker 3:

(laughter) can imagine that actually

Speaker 2:

mm I always loved it going away from home me

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) (unclear) it's definitely the one (pause) one thing about work is the holidays now

Speaker 3:

the what

Speaker 2:

the holidays (unclear) missing be missing those just fifteen days

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

it's not much when well

Speaker 3:

got it easy at school really haven't we

Speaker 2:

we have totally (unclear) my dad (pause) being a teacher he's (pause) irritating he always (pause) bragging how he's got like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

six weeks off at summer and that like

Speaker 3:

(laughter) does he actually do owt or not (pause) in the whole of the summer holiday like any work from school or

Speaker 2:

(unclear) does just because it's sort of he wants to but he doesn't have to

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

there's plenty don't like do you know eh (pause) Mr (unclear) you know the Rutherford tea (pause) ehm (pause) (unclear) the Rutherford ehm PE teacher

Speaker 3:

oh yeah

Speaker 2:

he went to America (pause) three years ago (pause) just to do camp America coach football

Speaker 3:

(laughter) mm it's like a zoo

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

it's like a zoo here

Speaker 2:

yeah I know

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so he ehm (pause) so aye he just does that but (pause) fifteen days isn't much

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I quite fancy going skiing as well (unclear) ehm (pause) because the assistant manager at the bank (pause) he runs the loc like the local ski club for the (pause) eh Lloyds Bank (pause) so ehm maybe get a weekend away there

Speaker 3:

mm-hm have you ever done that before

Speaker 2:

yeah we went to Italy with (interruption) the school

Speaker 3:

oh yeah

Speaker 2:

and went to been a couple of times with the ehm scouts (unclear)

Speaker 3:

I've never been skiing I've never like have you been on a dry ski slope or not

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

are they the same as (pause) on the snow

Speaker 2:

no not really I mean (pause) it's sort of similar go to the one at Sunderland when we were in the scouts used to go say about four times in the adventurers say four times in a year

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

that's (unclear) always good just ehm (pause) it's good for getting practice but it's nothing like the real thing it's brilliant skiing

Speaker 3:

(unclear) the slopes aren't that big are they

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

compared to the like mountains and that

Speaker 2:

yeah that's I went with ehm (pause) school as well Walbottle went to

Speaker 3:

oh when was that in the fifth year (unclear)

Speaker 2:

fourth year I think yeah (pause) (NAME) and I went it was a good laugh

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

can't imagine (NAME) skiing with his limbs like (interruption) (laughter)

Speaker 2:

(unclear) he didn't need eh (pause) the skis (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

so that was always good

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but ehm (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) C perhaps

Speaker 2:

(unclear) if you got a C for geography

Speaker 3:

yeah I think I have I don't know I didn't think it was that hard the exam

Speaker 2:

no no I just I find it hard to what to write I know (pause) like the facts

Speaker 3:

yeah it's just to know how to put them down

Speaker 2:

like in history essays I think I'm (pause) I I I'll get on those with all right

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but I was looking through my lower six exam (pause) and ehm the questions which I got (pause) I would answer it the same and I got dead low marks and I can't understand why

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

because I put all the facts down but (pause) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

no (pause) I know what you mean like eh (pause) I don't know I think it's just the way you write it (unclear)

Speaker 2:

mm-hm like (NAME) he wrote (pause) he just seemed to write tons really (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah I know

Speaker 2:

every point he made got a mark

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

but I thought it was a bit unfair when we went when we went to that ehm (pause) the chief examiner came up and told us the (pause) help like gave us a big hint of one of the questions (unclear) (unclear)

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

(unclear) I thought it was a bit unfair because (pause) it makes you wonder what other schools (pause) hints other schools are getting

Speaker 3:

yeah I know

Speaker 2:

and well because there's there's only about three schools around here went to that conference wasn't there

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

like what about the school she's taught

Speaker 2:

exac exactly

Speaker 3:

I mean she's given us a hint what about them

Speaker 2:

mm well say West Denton they weren't there were they at that conference

Speaker 3:

aye they were

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

(unclear) (NAME) was there wasn't he

Speaker 2:

oh that's right well say (pause) well say Rutherford they weren't there

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

well it was unfair on them because they didn't get all these hints did they

Speaker 3:

yeah I know

Speaker 2:

so (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) they said they needed to get the (pause) tickets booked early because there was that many people wanting to go (unclear)

Speaker 2:

uh-huh so what does like (pause) what (unclear) say to the private schools how much (pause) help do they get

Speaker 3:

mm makes you wonder mm because their ehm results are always high aren't they

Speaker 2:

mm (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 3:

(unclear) the kids can not be any brighter than anywhere else really

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

if you think about it

Speaker 2:

that's right yeah (unclear) they get worked hard (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) it's just the way it goes though isn't it

Speaker 2:

mm I wouldn't want to go I'm glad I didn't there (unclear)

Speaker 3:

yeah (pause) well I suppose the people there enjoy it because they don't know (pause) (interruption) (unclear)

Speaker 2:

yeah (pause) my friend from rugby eh he went to Kings School (pause) Tynemouth

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

which is a private school then he went to ehm (pause) a college after (pause) his GCSEs (unclear) do his A levels

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

and he says he goes and he sees his friends who went to (pause) like (unclear) went to stayed at Kings he just can not speak to now he's sort of

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

thinks they're right snobs like so he doesn't get on with them you know

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

whereas at the time he thought they were

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I don't really mind most of the kids from private schools some of them have got attitude problems but then (pause) some of the kids from normal schools have got attitude problems and all haven't they

Speaker 2:

I know (unclear) just (unclear) the rugby they're just (pause) dead irritating just

Speaker 3:

yeah I suppose you meet them more than most don't you

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

playing rugby

Speaker 2:

that's right I mean they're all right off the pitch and everything just (unclear) on it they're dead arrogant and everything

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

right sheet beetle metre I beat it gate paint fatal later I hate it eighty eight bet bent felt fettle better I met him hat ant battle batter drat it cart can't carter pot totter bottle font salt I got it caught daughter chortle haunt I bought it boat total motor I wrote it put footer put it in boot Bootle hooter bite title mitre pint bite it out fount outer pit bitter brittle print I hit it hilt beak wreck back I seek it I wreck it I back it bank lamp leap cap steep it lap it apron matron micro Metro leprosy petrol acrid atlas hopper butter hacker topple bottle hackle whisper custard after whisker doctor chapter jumper hunter bunker appear attend occur appearance attendance occurrence alpine altar polka staircase half past half cut automatic Jupiter epileptic sheet read breeze key gate made may boat load go boot brewed booze brew out loud cow sight side size sigh sighed knife five knives dive dial Friday diary I've got to do it tomorrow I had to put it off he meant what he said he's booking separate tables for supper a simple sentence pick up a packet of fire lighters pack it in or beat it he's putting it off he put it in he put in a bid jump up on the tractor he won't do that in a hurry put a comma in it

Speaker 2:

beetle metre I beat it gate paint fatal later I hate it eighty eight bet bent felt fettle better I bet him I met him rather hat ant battle batter drat it cart can't carter pot totter bottle font salt I got it caught daughter chortle (pause) haunt I bought it boat total motor I wrote it put footer put it in boot Bootle hooter bite title mitre (pause) pint bite it out fount outer pit bitter brittle print I hit it hilt beak wreck back I seek i it I wreck it I back it (pause) bank lamp leap cap steep it lap it apron matron micro Metro leprosy petrol acrid atlas hopper butter hacker topple bottle hackle whisper custard after whisker doctor chapter jumper hunter bunker appear attend occur appearance attendance occurrence alpine altar polka staircase half past half cut automatic Jupiter epileptic sheet read breeze key gate made may boat load (pause) go boot brewed booze brew out loud cow sight side size sigh sighed knife five knives dive dial Friday diary (pause) I've got to do it tomorrow I had to put it off he meant what she what he shed said rather he's booking separate tables for supper a simple sentence pick up a packet of fire lighters pack it in or beat it he's putting it off he put in a bid jump up on the tractor he won't do that in a hurry and put a comma in it

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