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Claudia von Funcke

Claudia von Funcke is a German sculptor and photographer based in Berlin. She graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich in 1995 followed by a DAAD scholarship at the Architectural Association in London. She received the ART IN STEEL prize (Kolloquium Nordrhein-Westfalen), the Jutta-Cuny-Franz Memorial Award for Sculpture in Glass and in 2011 a residency in Künstlerdorf Schöppingen/D for Art and Sciences. Her work is freely roaming amongst the diverse fields of perceptual theory, brain research, molecular biology, geophysics and contemporary architecture.

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Claudia von Funcke

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Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE1 7RU
Culture Lab forms part of an evolving network of artists, researchers and scientists 
  at Newcastle University looking at new ways of working across traditional academic 