The Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire - LAQ

The Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire was developed by Dr Christine Jessen, Consultant Community Paediatrician, Northumberland, UK.  The first version, LAQ-CP, measured the impact of childhood cerebral palsy (Mackie, Jessen & Jarvis, 1998). It was constructed specifically for use in the North of England Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Survey (Colver et al, 2000). 

LAQ-CP Questionnaire (N.B. wording updated March 2014)
Mackie, P.C., Jessen, E.C. and S.N. Jarvis (1998) The Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire: An instrument to measure the impact of disability on the lives of children with cerebral palsy and their families. Child: care, health & development, 24(6): 473-486.

Subsequently, Christine Jessen developed a generic version LAQ-G (Jessen et al, 2003). The general format of the LAQ-CP was retained, but additional items reflecting a child’s social relationships, behaviour, leisure activities, play and communication were added, and some of the original items removed, to allow a final instrument of appropriate length.  The resulting LAQ-G has 53 items, contained within 45 questions.

LAQ-G Questionnaire
Jessen, E.C., Colver, A.F., Mackie, P.C. and Jarvis, S.N. (2003) Development and validation of a tool to measure the impact of childhood disabilities on the lives of children and their families. Child: Care, Health & Development 29(1): 21–34.

LAQ-G Questionnaire - Chinese version                   
LAQ-CP Questionnaire - Chinese version
Chia-Ling Chen, MD, PhD

Chang Gung University 
Director, Professor, Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital,
5 Fu-Hsing St. Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan 333, Taiwan
Tel.:886-3-3281200 ext 8148; Fax: 886-3-3281320

Dutch translation of the LAQ-CP
Authors: Beckers L.W.M.E., Janssen-Potten Y.J.M., Speth L.A., Rameckers E.A.A.

Contact: Laura Beckers, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, CAPHRI School for Public Health and Primary Care, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands



We are happy for researchers from other countries to contact us with a view to translating the LAQ for their own use. However, it is essential to maintain effective use of the tool and to enable the development of comparable research that can contribute to the field that there is only one validated translation per language – rather than multiple alternative translations in circulation. Anyone who wishes to be involved in translation, back-translation and validation is encouraged to contact us directly:

Professor Helen McConachie:


LAQ-G Manual

Front page

Chapter 1: Introduction 
Childhood disability and the representation of participation                                 
Brief review of recent literature                                                                      
Aims and objectives of this study                                                                       

Chapter 2: Questionnaire development
Item selection, reduction and the creation of response options               
The pilot study                                                                                                          

Chapter 3: Methods: Field testing the Generic LAQ
Site, sample size and sample recruitment                                                
Reliability, data management and statistical analysis                                         
Creating health domains and testing internal consistency                                  

Chapter 4: Results
Number and nature of returns, missing items and case/control comparison    
Test/retest reliability and inter-reporter error                                                        
Multi-dimensional scaling, creation of domains and internal consistency         
Creation of descriptive profiles                                                                              
Face validity and construct validity                                                             

Chapter 5: Discussion
Summary of findings                                                                                    
Strengths and weaknesses of the study                                                                
Characteristics of the LAQ-G                                                                              
Future plans                                                                                                           

Chapter 6: LAQ-G with scoring key                                                                 
Scoring procedure                                                                                               

Chapter 7: Additional Validation Study 

LAQ-CP Manual

LAQ-CP Manual
(Please note the manual pdf is not in correct page order, but all pages are included)


Colver, A.F., et al., (2000) Increasing rates of cerebral palsy across the severity spectrum in north-east England 1964-1993. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 83(1): F7-F12

Jessen, E.C., Colver, A.F., Mackie, P.C. and Jarvis, S.N. (2003) Development and validation of a tool to measure the impact of childhood disabilities on the lives of children and their families. Child: Care, Health & Development 29, 1, 21–34.

Mackie, P.C., Jessen, E.C. and S.N. Jarvis (1998) The Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire: An instrument to measure the impact of disability on the lives of children with cerebral palsy and their families. Child: care, health & development, 24(6): 473-486.