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The Unaccountability of the World

Professor Hartmut Rosa (University of Jena): 2 November 2023, 3:30pm, Newcastle University via Zoom

Professor Rosa is a renowned sociologist who will bring his concepts of 'acceleration' and 'resonance' to bear on our thinking about the human condition today. If you want to get a first taste of his ideas, you may want to watch this TED talk:

Access Professor Rosa's TED talk >

He will speak about his latest publication, which is an accessible account of his theories of acceleration and resonance; you can access it through our library, if you want to do some preparatory reading:

Access Professor Rosa's book, 'The Uncontrollability of the World' >

To access the Zoom, please follow the following link or input the meeting id:

Access the upcoming Zoom>

Meeting ID - 82607401636