
A selection of recent publications by lab members:


Dolfini A, Angelini I, Artioli G. 2020 Copper to Tuscany – Coals to Newcastle? The dynamics of metalwork exchange in early Italy. PLoS One, e0227259.

Van Asperen EN, Kirby JK, Shaw HE. 2020 Relating dung fungal spore influx rates to animal density in a temperate environment: implications for palaeoecological studies. The Holocene 30, 218-232.


Blong JC. 2019 Regional stratigraphy and human occupation of the upper Susitna River basin, central Alaska Range.Geoarchaeology 34(4), 380-399.

Carrer F, Sarson G, Baggaley A, Shukurov A, Angelucci DE. 2019 Ethnoarchaeology-Based Modelling to Investigate Economic Transformations and Land-Use Change in the Alpine Uplands. In: Saqalli M, Vander Linden M, eds. Integrating Qualitative and Social Science Factors in Archaeological Modelling. Springer International Publishing, pp.185-216.

Duckworth CN. 2019 Latest advancements in the application of analytical science to ancient and historical glass production. UISPP Journal 2(2), 99-110.

Gerrard J. 2019 Kingdom, Civitas and County: the evolution of territorial identity in the English landscape. Landscapes 1-1.

Gerrard J. 2019 Le souvenir des tyrans dans la Bretagne du Ve siècle: Magnus Maximus et Constantin III. Les Grandes figures historiques dans les lettres et les arts 8, 62-88.

Riddler R, Gerrard J. Small finds. In: Ridgeway V, Taylor J, Biddulph E, eds. A Bath House, Settlement and Industry on Roman Southwark's North Island: excavations along the route of Thameslink Borough Viaduct and at London Bridge Station. London, OAPCA, pp.303-325.

Gerrard J. 2019 The Vyne Ring in context: powerful people and powerful rings during the end of Roman Britain. In: Meller H, Kimming-Volkner S, Reichenberger A, eds. Ringe der Macht. Halle: State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt, pp.247-260.

Gerrard J, Ridgeway V. 2019 A Romano‐British Graffito of a Ship from Gillingham, Kent, UK. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 48(1), 245-246.

Ledger ML, Anastasiou E, Shillito L-M, Mackay H, Bull ID, Haddow SD, Knüsel C, Mitchell PD. 2019 Parasite infection at the early farming community of Çatalhöyük. Antiquity 93(369), 573-587.

Shillito L-M, Blong JC, Sawyer AH, Mackay H. 2019 Geoarchaeology from Landscapes to Material Culture: papers from the 7th Developing International Geoarchaeology conference. Geoarchaeology 34(4), 377-379.

Kluiving SJ, Durcan JA, Bebermeier W, Inglis R, Heyvaert VMA, Howard A, Shillito L-M. 2019 Geoarchaeology: Human adaptation to landscape changes, landscape resilience to human impact and integrating palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records. Quaternary International 501(Part B), 269-271.

Turner S, Shillito L-M, Carrer F. 2019 Landscape Archaeology. In: Howard P, Thompson I, Waterton E, Atha M, eds. The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. London, Routledge, pp.155-165.

Tourigny E, Newstead S, Casimiro TM, Grupa D, Poulain M, Sequeira JL. 2019 Global post-medieval/historical archaeology: what’s happening around the world 2019?. Post-Medieval Archaeology 53(3), 419-429.

Tourigny E, Newstead S, With contributions from Antczak KA, Biginagwa TJ, Young R. Global Post-Medieval/Historical Archaeology: What's Happening Around the World 2018?. Post-Medieval Archaeology 52(3), 415-425.

Perrotti AG, Van Asperen EN. 2019. Dung fungi as a proxy for megaherbivores: opportunities and limitations for archaeological applications. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 28, 93-104.

Boulbes N, Van Asperen EN. 2019. Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of European Equus. In: Bernor RL, Rivals F, Avilla L, Scott E (eds.). Examining evolutionary trends in Equus and its close relatives from five continents. Frontiers in ecology and evolution 7: 301.


Blong JC. 2018. Late-Glacial Hunter-Gatherers in the Central Alaska Range and the Role of Upland Ecosystems in the Peopling of Alaska. PaleoAmerica 4(2), 103-133.

Milner N, Conneller C, Taylor B. 2018. Star Carr: Volume 1 A persistent place in a changing world. York: White Rose Press.

Needham A, Croft S, Kröger R, Robson H, Rowley C, Taylor B, Gray Jones A, Conneller C. 2018. The application of micro-Raman for the analysis of ochre artefacts from Mesolithic palaeo-lake Flixton. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17, 650-656.

Robson H, Little A, Jones A, Blockley S, Candy I, Matthews I, Palmer A, Schreve D, Tong E, Pomstra D, Fletcher L, Hausmann N, Taylor B, Conneller C, Milner N. 2018. Scales of analysis: Evidence of fish and fish processing at Star Carr. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17, 895-903.

Dolfini A, Collins R. 2018. Modelling physical and digital replication: Bridging the gap between experimentation and experience. Open Archaeology 4, 36-49.

Duckworth CN, Mattingly DJ. 2018. Into Africa: The biography of Roman vessel glass in the Sahara Desert. In: Rosenow D, Phelps M, Meek M, Freestone I, ed. Things that Travelled: Mediterranean Glass in the First Millennium AD. London: UCL Press, pp.134-158.

Shillito L-M, Blong J, Jenkins D, Stafford TW, Whelton H, McDonough K, Bull I. 2018. New Research at Paisley Caves: Applying New Integrated Analytical Approaches to Understanding Stratigraphy, Taphonomy and Site Formation Processes. PaleoAmerica 4(1), 82-86.

Tourigny E. 2018. Foodways in Historical Archaeology. In: Smith, C, ed. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer Reference.

Tourigny E. 2018 Eating barreled meat in Upper Canada: Cultural and archaeological implications. International Journal of Historical Archaeology22(4), 843-864.

Turner S, Shillito L-M, Carrer F. 2018. Landscape Archaeology. In: P. Howard, I. Thompson, E. Waterton and M. Atha, ed. The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. London: Routledge, pp.155-165.


Blong JC. Early Holocene Settlement of the Upper Susitna River Basin, Central Alaska. Journal of Ancient Technology Laboratory 13(4), 27-50.

Taylor B, Elliott B, Conneller C, Milner N, Bayliss A, Knight B, Bamforth M. 2017. Resolving the Issue of Artefact Deposition at Star Carr. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 83, 23-42.

Duckworth CN, Sassin AE, ed. 2017. Colour and Light in Ancient and Medieval Art. London: Routledge.

Mattingly DJ, Leitch V, Duckworth CN, Cuenod A, Sterry M, Cole F, ed. 2017. Trade in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gerrard J, Henig M. 2017. Brancaster type signet rings: a study in the material culture of sealing documents in Late Antique Britain. Bonner Jahrbücher 216, 225-250.

Gerrard J, Agate A. 2017. The Deserted Medieval Settlement at Barrow, Odcombe, Somerset: Trial Excavations in 2014. Medieval Settlement Research 32, 60-69.

Shillito L-M. 2017. Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). In: Nicosia C; Stoops GR, ed. Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 399-410.

Shillito L-M. 2017. Multivocality and multiproxy approaches to the use of space: lessons from 25 years of research at Çatalhöyük. World Archaeology 49(2), 237-259.

Tourigny E. 2017. Minimum sample sizes, recovery techniques, and the reporting of animal bones from historic-period assemblages in Ontario. Ontario Archaeology 97, 44-60.

Tourigny E, Newstead S. 2017. Introduction. Global post-medieval/historical archaeology: What's happening around the world?. Post-Medieval Archaeology 51(3), 515-516.

Van Asperen EN, Kahlke R-D. 2017. Dietary traits of the late Early Pleistocene Bison menneri (Bovidae, Mammalia) from its type site Untermassfeld (Central Germany) and the problem of Pleistocene ‘wood bison’. Quaternary science reviews 177, 299-313.

Van Asperen EN. 2017. Fungal diversity on dung of tropical animals in temperate environments:implications for reconstructing past megafaunal populations. Fungal ecology 28, 25-32.

Gunton RM, van Asperen EN, Basden A, Bookless D, Araya Y, Hanson DR, Goddard MA, Otieno G, Jones GO. 2017. Beyond ecosystem services: valuing the invaluable. Trends in ecology and evolution 32, 249-257.


Milner N, Bamforth M, Beale G, Carty J, Chatzipanagis K, Croft S, Conneller C, Elliot B, Fitton L, Knight B, Kroger R, Little A, Needham A, Robson H, Rowley C, Taylor B. 2016. A unique engraved shale pendant from the site of Star Carr: the oldest Mesolithic art in Britain. Internet Archaeology 40, 8.

Albert B, Innes J, Blackford J, Taylor B, Conneller C, Milner N. 2016. Degradation of the wetland sediment archive at Star Carr: An assessment of current palynological preservation. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6, 488-495.

Conneller C, Bates M, Bates R, Blinkhorn E, Cole J, Pope M, Scott B, Shaw A. 2016. Rethinking Human Responses to Sea-level Rise: The Mesolithic of the Channel Islands. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 82, 27-71.

Little A, Elliott B, Conneller C, Pomstra D, Evans A, Fitton L, Holland A, Davis R, Kershaw R, OConnor S, OConnor T, Sparrow T, Wilson A, Jordan P, Collins M, Colonese A, Craig O, Knight R, Lucquin A, Taylor B, Milner N. 2016. Technological Analysis of the World’s Earliest Shamanic Costume: A Multi-Scalar, Experimental Study of a Red Deer Headdress for the Early Holocene Site of Star Carr, North Yorkshire, UK. PLoS ONE 11, e0152136.

Shaw A, Bates M, Conneller C, Gamble C, Julien MA, McNabb J, Pope M, Scott B. 2016. The Archaeology of Persistent Places: A case study of La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey. Antiquity 90, 1437-1453.

Conneller C, Bayliss A, Milner N, Taylor B. 2016. The Resettlement of the British Landscape: Towards a chronology of Early Mesolithic lithic assemblage types. Internet Archaeology 42.

Dolfini A, Crellin RJ. 2016. Metalwork wear analysis: The loss of innocence. Journal of Archaeological Science 66, 78-87.

Govantes Edwards DJ, Duckworth CN, Córdoba de la Llave R, Aparicio Sánchez L, Camacho Cruz C. 2016. El estudio del vidrio andalusí y las posibilidades de estudio en su composición química: primeros resultados y posibilidades. Boletín de Arqueología Medieval 18, 31-50.

Duckworth CN, Mattingly DJ, Chenery S, Smith VC. 2016. End of line? Glass bangles, technology, recycling and trade in Islamic North Africa. Journal of Glass Studies 58.

Duckworth CN, Mattingly DJ, Smith VC. 2016. From the Mediterranean to the Libyan Sahara. Chemical analyses of Garamantian glass. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 7, 633-639.

Govantes-Edwards DJ, Duckworth C, Cordoba R. 2016. Recipes and experimentation: the transmission of glassmaking techniques in medieval Iberia. Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 8(2), 176-195.

Gerrard J. 2016. An unfinished zoomorphic escutcheon of possible fifth-century date from Twyning, near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society 133, 222-224.

Gerrard J. 2016. Economy and Power in Late Roman Britain. In: Millett, M; Revell, L; Moore, A, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain. Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp.850-868.

Gerrard J, Cooke M. 2016. Green Waste and the Historic Environment. British Archaeology 151, 32-35.

Gerrard J. 2016. Introduction: Romano-British Pottery in the Fifth Century. Internet Archaeology 41.

Gerrard J. 2016. Los últimos romanos de Britania. Desperta Ferro: Antigua y Medieval 36, 18-24.

Gerrard J. 2016. New radiocarbon dates from the Lynch Farm Romano-British cemetery, near Peterborough. Northamptonshire Archaeology 38, 241-243.

Gerrard J, ed. 2016. Romano-British Pottery in the Fifth Century. University of York: Council for British Archaeology.

Gerrard J. 2016. The Black Burnished Type 18 Bowl and the Fifth Century. Internet Archaeology 41.

Gerrard J, Agate A. 2016. The Lufton Villa Excavations 2016: A Preliminary Report. Chronicle: The Journal of the Yeovil Archaeological and Local History Society 10(6), 186-188.

Radini R, Nikita E, Shillito L-M. 2016. Human Dental Calculus and a Medieval Urban Environment. In: Jervis, B; Broderick, L; Grau-Sologestoa, I, ed. Objects, Environment, and Everyday Life in Medieval Europe. Turnhout: Brepols, pp.297-313.

Tourigny E, Thomas R, Guiry E, Earp R, Allen A, Rothenburger JL, Lawler D, Nussbaumer M. 2016. An osteobiography of a 19th-century dog from Toronto, Canada. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26(5), 818-829.

Van Asperen EN, Kirby JR, Hunt CO. 2016. The effect of preparation methods on dung fungal spores: Implications for recognition of megafaunal populations. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 229, 1-8.