
Professor Peter Gosling

Peter specialises in the optimisation and reliability of composite materials and structures. Previous research, for this project, has led to improved algorithms and formulations developed as part of the numerical representation of geometrically non-linear structures and structural systems (e.g. GR/M77185/01). He has developed advanced analysis and optimization techniques with particular emphasis on material and geometric non-linearity for composites (GR/R04041/01). Gosling has an international reputation in the field of computational structural mechanics established in a holistic stochastic-based framework (e.g. EP/C548590/1). Integration of materials’ testing technologies with reliability analysis techniques has led his group’s tools to provide optimal and robust design solutions (e.g. EP/C548582/1). As a UK delegate on ISO TC-45 SC-4 WG-13 and CEN248-WG4 (Coated Fabrics) and CEN250-WG5 (for Membrane Structures) and convenor of the TENSINet Analysis & Materials working group, he has specialist knowledge on the performance and variability of composite materials.