Richard joined Newcastle University in January 2017 as Programme Manager responsible for ensuring delivery of the SynFabFun programme of research. He tracks progress on the projects, prepares reports for EPSRC, and monitors financial and resource aspects for the university partners. Richard was previously a Research Fellow at Teesside University in the Centre for Resource Efficient Manufacturing Systems, developing system level models to improve resource flow in industrial processes. Before this he was the Principal Wind Specialist at Narec (National Renewable Energy Centre) for 9 years, developing R&D activities for wind renewables, in particular wind turbine blades. He contributed to wind standards development as a UK representative and Chaired the BSI wind standards committee for 3 years.
His other work related experience includes: boat manufacture; maritime defence, as part of the MoD’s DERA (now Qinetiq); offshore oil and gas; civil engineering; and joining technologies for composites and polymers. All these activities give him 20+ years of experience of coordinating and working in research consortiums across many industry sectors. His roles have allowed him to publish on the topics of resource efficiency/sustainability, composite materials, adhesives and renewable energy, authoring 40+ journal papers, conference papers/posters, lectures, presentations and press articles.
Richard’s academic qualifications are from Durham University (Chemistry, BSc); Imperial College (Composite Materials, MSc and DIC); and Cambridge University (Engineering, PhD on the durability of adhesives). He is a Chartered Engineer and a Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (MIMMM), where he is an Approved Assessor for C.Eng. applications.
Click here for Dr Richard Court's website.