We are excited to announce the 17th Network Young Membrains Meeting (NYM 2020), which will be held in Manchester, UK, 9-10 July 2020.
In-keeping with three decades of NYM tradition, NYM 2020 is specifically focussed on providing opportunities for early career researchers and industrialists. The meeting is kindly supported by the European Membrane Society (EMS) and will offer all delegates with an accepted abstract a guaranteed oral presentation. NYM routinely partners with a large international membrane conference, and this year we have partnered with the 12th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM 2020) in London, United Kingdom.
For further enquiries, please email: networkyoungmembrain@outlook.com
Abstract deadline: 31 March 2020
Registration deadline: 1 June 2020
Registration including accommodation + conference dinner less than £150