Transitions workshop

A very successful working on 'Student transitions from school to university within GEES disciplines' took place on 25th January 2013 at Newcastle University. 27 people participated in the workshop which included presentations on social aspects of transition as well as the academic transitions negotiated by students. The day concluded with a keynote presentation by Jenny Hill from the University of the West of England. A copy of the slides for each presentation are included below.

Helen Walkington PDF 522Kb

GEES update: support for learning and teaching

Peter Hopkins PDF 4,060Kb

Transitions in, through and out of university for local students

Michael Richardson PDF 1,173Kb

University is not as easy as A, B, C ...: how an extended induction can improve the transition to university for new undergraduates

Alison Miles PDF 259Kb

The changing landscape of A-level Geography

Jon Swords PDF 53Kb

Student perspectives of the transition between A-Level and degree-level geography

Jenny Hill - keynote PDF 1,193Kb

School-university transition: where are we now?