About our Project

About the Project

This study built on earlier research and investigated the extent to which local authorities and partner agencies developed mechanisms for the inclusion of marginalised sexual and gender communities as a result of recent policy changes. We asked whether processes of normalisation were taking place concerning LGBT equality. If so, how did they impact on existing organisational cultures in local authorities and partner agencies? Moreover, we provided, for the first time, a cross-cultural comparison between LGBT equalities initiatives in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Participants in the research had the opportunity to gain applicable insights and improve their work practices. Further planned outcomes included workshops, conference attendance, academic publications, as well as user-oriented and media publications.

The research for this project involved gathering interviews and documentary data about LGBT equality and local government modernization through Action Learning Sets, focus groups, and a tracking exercise with case study local authorities to look at the ways that equalities work was being mainstreamed. The research included interviews with leading players, including councillors, officers, community activists and others. In addition, we analysed Internet web sites, media coverage and local government documentation. Interviews were confidential and anonymised and findings were made available as a report as well as academic papers.

This study was funded by the ESRC from October 2007 to March 2010.


These organisations have been involved in the planning of the project and some of them have representatives on the project's informal Advisory Group. We are grateful for their support.