*** The SamExo pilot trial is now closed *** *** The Final Report has been submitted *** *** A summary of the results has been written for families who took part (see 'Study Info for Parents' or 'Publications' sections) *** |
What happens to the children in the study? Children taking part in the SamExo trial will be randomly selected by a computer to go into either the surgery group or the active monitoring group. Those who are randomised to receive eye surgery will have their operation within 3 months of recruitment and assessed shortly after the operation and then again after 3 and 6 months. The surgery that is performed is not a new type of intervention - it has been done in hospitals throughout the UK and internationally for many years. Those children who are randomised to the active monitoring group will attend for check-ups at 3 months, 6 months and 9-months after recruitment. If the squint starts to deteriorate in any of the children they will be offered treatment no matter which group they end up being randomised into, and of course parents are free to withdraw from the trial at any time.