Intermittent exotropia


*** The SamExo pilot trial is now closed ***

*** The Final Report has been submitted ***

*** A summary of the results has been written for families who took part (see 'Study Info for Families' or 'Publications' sections) ***


Intermittent exotropia is a type of childhood squint in which one eye wanders outwards at times. It may become permanent, and in some cases the child may lose the ability to use both eyes together and could develop ‘lazy eye’ (amblyopia). 

Surgical and non-surgical treatments are available, but in many cases parents and doctors agree to take a ‘wait and see' approach where no treatment is given unless the squint gets worse.  There is a lot of variation across hospitals within the UK and worldwide, and not much agreement or evidence about the best way to manage childhood squint.

We hope that in future a full trial of squint surgery compared to active monitoring will provide much-needed evidence for the treatment of this condition.


Parents who think their child may have an undiagnosed squint should contact their GP or local children's eye department.

Further information about squint can be found at this link to the NHS website.

In addition, the Royal College of Ophthalmologists provide a parent information booklet on children's eye conditions including squint.