Spaces of Anti-Muslim Acts

Welcome to the website for the Spaces of Anti-Muslim Acts (SAMA) project.

This is a two year Marie Curie Sklodowska individual fellowship that is focusing on mapping and exploring spaces of anti-Muslim acts in London and Paris.  The main goal of this project is to explore the relationship between persistent Islamophobic discrimination and space; in other words, it is about the relationship between religious and territorial discrimination.

This project aims to:

  •     Produce a cartography of the discriminations related to Islam according to where anti-Muslim acts occurr as well as the residential location of the discriminated and the discriminator.
  •     Bring out the spatial practices and strategies stemming from these discriminations.
  •     Expose the different spatial contexts to which discriminated people belong ranging from the finest scale (individual) to the largest scale (worldwide).
  •     Compare the French and British contexts in order to bring out differences and similarities between these two particular countries.                      
  •     Explain how Islam became a “racialised” religion once again.

The main researcher on this project is Dr Kawtar Najib and the project supervisor is Professor Peter Hopkins.