Dr Carlo Rosa
Carlo is a geomorphologist and geo-archaeologist, with extensive professional experience on archaeological excavation, mechanical drilling and geophysical survey of urban areas in Italy and internationally. He brings to the project an in-depth knowledge of Geological Survey, Quaternary geology and volcanological processes applied to the study of the relationships between past human activity and the surrounding environment and is a leading researcher of Rome’s Urban Geology.
Carlo has worked as the Senior Geologist for the “Foundation Ing. C.M. Lerici -Politecnico di Milano”, directing Geology, Geomorphology and Remote Sensing research in Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Laos, Vietnam and Burma (1996-2004).
His brings an invaluable knowledge of the geology and geoarchaeology of the city of Rome and its surroundings, gained by extensive work experience, including mapping the geology of central Rome (CARG Project, Geological Sheet 374-ROME), working as a consultant geo-archaeologist for Rome’s Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici, Artistici e del Paesaggio (SSABAP), the Parco Archeologico del Colosseo, the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica (Rome), the Museo Nazionale Romano (Rome), and the Geological-Cartographic and Geoarchaeology Service of the SSABAP.
He has extensive working and research experience on the geology of Latium, gained by working on a research on Latium’s volcanic districts, the relationships between volcanic products and volcano-tectonics and the reconstruction of the main underground structural surfaces for hydrogeological modelling purposes, in collaboration with the Hydrogeology Laboratory of the Department of Geological Sciences of the University Roma Tre (2005-2012).
Alongside work and research, he teaches and lectures in university and for non-academic audiences, leading seminars on geoarchaeology and geophysical prospecting applied to archaeology.