The environmental impact of political, military and religious changes in the Eastern Caelian
My interest is primarily in botanical remains and how they can inform on past human interaction with the surrounding landscape.
After my B.A. in Classical and Archaeological Studies and Italian from the University of Kent, I worked for a year before starting my M.Sc. in Archaeological Science and Environment. As a joint masters from the University of Evora, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Sapienza University, I was able to explore elements of Mediterranean archaeology from prehistory to classical times and gain excavation experience in Umbria, Tuscany and Sicily.
In my master’s thesis, I focused on the reconstruction of routine agricultural practices by investigating plant remains from the Latin city of Gabii to see what larger implications they had for urban formation processes in early Iron Age central Italy.
The PhD project combines insights from environmental archaeology and physical geography and data from the project’s programme of environmental analysis to illuminate the interplay between the natural environment, resource exploitation and successive transformations of the city.
Supervisors (Newcastle University): Professor Ian Haynes, Dr Lisa-Marie Shillito
Advisory Board: Professor Paolo Liverani (Universita' degli Studi di Firenze), Professor Margherita Azzari (Universita' degli Studi di Firenze)