
This section provides a list of recorded talks by Rome Transformed team and will be updated over the duration of the project. 

Talks and seminars


M. AzzariP. Liverani, Landscape visualisation and modelling, in Linking Pasts And Sharing Knowledge. Mapping Archaeological Heritage, Legacy Data Integration and Web Technologies for Modelling Historical Landscapes (Naples, 13-14 November 2023)

T. Ravasi (on behalf of the Rome Transformed team), A new approach to historical landscape visualisations. Rome Transformed SCIEDOC and the evolution of Rome’s via Statilia and Arcus Neroniani/Caelemontani in the Roman period, in Linking Pasts And Sharing Knowledge. Mapping Archaeological Heritage, Legacy Data Integration and Web Technologies for Modelling Historical Landscapes (Naples, 13-14 November 2023).

L. Bottiglieri, F. Carboni, D. Colli, A. De Santis, G. Foschi, S. Morretta, C. Rosa, M. Solvi, Il circo Variano e l'anfiteatro Castrense: due edifici per la corte dei Severi, in Gli edifici dello spettacolo in Roma antica, Giornata di studi in ricordo di Paola Ciancio Rossetto (Rome, 1 June 2023). 


I. Haynes, The changing face of the Eastern Caelian: Recent work by the ‘Rome Transformed’ Team, The British School at Rome, 14 December  2022. 

I. Haynes, T. Ravasi, On the centrality of metrology. Perspectives from the Rome Transformed project, IMEKO TC-4 International conference on Metrology for archaeology and cultural heritage, UNiversity of Calabria - Rende, Cosenza, Italy, 19-21 October 2022.

E. Santucci, T. Ravasi, I. Haynes, – D. Keenan Jones – D. Motta – R. Dawson, Rome Transformed: Assessing Water Infrastructure and Hydraulics in the Eastern Caelian, Rome, International Conference of the Frontinus Society on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering (Budapest, 8-15 September 2022) Poster Frontinus Budapest

T. Ravasi, E. Santucci, Baths, water and the Severan landscape of power in the Eastern Caelian in Rome. The balneum under the Lateran Baptistery. International Conference of the Frontinus Society on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering (Budapest, 8-15 September 2022)

T. Ravasi, E. Santucci, One building, many purposes. Assessing transformations in water provision, management, and distribution in the baptistery of St. John Lateran in Rome, Assessing Roman large-scale hydraulic systems. A Rome Transformed online colloquium (Online, Newcastle, 5-6 May 2022)

E. Santucci, From the parts to the whole: modelling the water supply system of the eastern Caelian through an integrated approach to hydraulic structuresAssessing Roman large-scale hydraulic systems. A Rome Transformed online colloquium (Online, Newcastle, 5-6 May 2022)

S. Kay, Geophysical prospection of the eastern Caelian: large-scale urban research by Rome Transformed, British School at Rome Lecture (30 April 2022)  View recording here

I. Haynes, P. Liverani, ERC Project Rometrans, SAGAS Department Research Week, University of Florence


T. Ravasi, Elite housing and the transformation of Rome's eastern Caelian in the first–fourth centuries, British School at Rome Online Lecture (6 October 2021) View recording here

S. Kay, Urban Investigations in the Heart of Rome: The Rome Transformed Project, ICAP2021- 14th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection (8-10 September 2021, Lyon)

M. Azzari, V. Bologna, C. Pappalardo, C. Berti, A software for the Management and Analysis of Stratigraphic Data from Different Sources in a 3D Environment, Non intrusive methodologies for large urban area urban research conference (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1- 2 July 2021)

F. Carboni, E. D’Ignazio, Conducting archival research in an interdisciplinary context for Rome Transformed. Non intrusive methodologies for large urban area urban research conference (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1- 2 July 2021)

I. Haynes, T. Ravasi, I. Peverett, M. Grellert, M. Simpson From interpretation to provocation and back again: Rome Transformed SCIEDOC and the Ospedale di San Giovanni in Laterano. Non intrusive methodologies for large urban area urban research conference (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1- 2 July 2021)

S. Kay, E. Pomar, G. MorelliRome Transformed: a multiple method geophysical approach for the urban investigations of the East Caelian. Non intrusive methodologies for large urban area urban research conference (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1- 2 July 2021)

S. Piro, D. Zamuner, T. Leti Messina, D. Verrecchia. Acquisition, integration, and interpretation of multiple GPR data sets in urban area, as part of the ERC Rome Transformed project. Non intrusive methodologies for large urban area urban research conference (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1- 2 July 2021)

A. Turner, Marvellous metadata: Managing metadata for the Rome Transformed Project. Non intrusive methodologies for large urban area urban research conference (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1- 2 July 2021) 


I. Haynes, Rome Transformed: Interdisciplinary analysis of the eastern Caelian C1-C8 CE (Newcastle Archaeology Research Seminars, 17 September 2020)

T. Ravasi, I. Peverett, Elite housing on the Eastern Caelian in Rome. Reassessing the architecture of the domus under the Ospedale di San Giovanni, Ancient Architecture Discussion Group webinar series, Oxford University, (12 June 2020).