
ReMIND will run from July 2019 to June 2020 under the scientific resposibility of  Dr. Francesca Lanz and the supervision of Prof. Christopher Whitehead at the Department of Media, Culture Heritage of the School of Arts and Cultures, Newcastle University.


Dr. Francesca Lanz | Principal Investigator

Lecturer in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of Politecnico di Milano (IT) and Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellow at the School of Arts and Cultures of Newcastle University (UK), she holds a Ph.D. in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design and MS in Architecture. Trained as an architect at Politecnico di Milano, her research activity lies in the intersection of different fields ranging from museum and heritage studies to interior architecture, museography and exhibition design, with a particular interest on the on the potentials intertwinement between their specific different disciplinary approaches, theories and practices. »more


Prof. Christopher Whitehead | Supervisor

Professor of Museology at Newcastle University and Visiting Professor of Critical Heritage Studies at the University of Oslo, he has been trained and worked as an art historian and art curator, but his research activities today range more broadly across museum, heritage and memory studies, with particular emphases on the politics of the past, display, knowledge construction, interpretation, social division, migration, and place. He is an interdisciplinary and eclectic scholar, borrowing approaches and interests from anthropology, geography, cultural theory, political science, design research and the theory of history with a view to positive social and policy impact. »more

Advisory Board

ReMIND advisory board includes 6 selected members experts in complementary fields of the projects, who will contribute to the research on specific issues emerging during the project development.


Dr. Sam Alberti, from the National Museum of Scotland, Honorary Professor at the University of Stirling Centre for Environment, Heritage and Policy.

Prof. Luca Basso Peressut, Professor of Museography and Exhibition Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano.

Prof Rhiannon Mason, Professor of Heritage and Cultural Studies and Head of the School of Arts and Cultures, Newcastle University.

Prof. Andrew Newman, Professor of Cultural Gerontology at the School of Arts and Cultures, Newcastle University.

Prof. John PendleburyProfessor of Urban Conservation at the School of Architecture Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University.

Prof. Christopher Philo, Professor of Geography at the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, Glasgow University.