Download the Toolkit

The Relational Toolkit is split into three audits and two followup activities.

You can download the full toolkit or sections as needed.

The audits are best used working in collaborative groups and can be printed out to facilitate this, the audits can also be used digitally so that they can be referred back to and built upon for future activities.

An online repository of these documents is being collected, you can request access to share your document or view others examples by contacting Deborah Ralls. This will be a shared online folder. This repository is in development and coming soon.

Audit Activities and Supporting Materials

The audit activities in this Toolkit provide a way of identifying more-or-less relational approaches to engagement in practice and of thinking differently about how we approach community engagement activities for more inclusive strategic and economic policymaking.

The audit activities help us to try and understand the catalysts for more-or-less-relational approaches to engagement. The data gathered can then be used to analyse current approaches, for example mapping out relational approaches geographically and comparing with existing data such as socio-economic indicators.

1: Generating relational goods

Interpersonal trust, emotional support, care and social influence.


2: Doing to or doing with: what counts as engagement?

Unilateral or Relational Engagement?


3: The importance of Bonding & Bridging, Leadership, Culture & Power

The importance of Bonding & Bridging, Leadership, Culture & Power.


4: Bringing it all together:
Considering the relational potential of engagement activities

Auditing the Relational Potential of Engagement Activities.


5: The Ladder of Engagement
Cross Checking Professional Understandings

Cross checking professional perceptions of community engagement with community members themselves.