IJHRM SI CFPIJHRM SI- Regulation of work and employment: Advancing theory and research in international and comparative human resource management (Updated 06.03.15)
International Journal of Human Resource Management
This special issue seeks to advance conceptual, theoretical and empirical discussions around the regulation of work and employment in international and comparative human resource management (IHRM/CHRM). The special issue has two main aims. First, it seeks to develop our understanding of the conceptual scope of ‘regulation’ in the context of international and comparative human resource management discussions; how is regulation theorised as part of IHRM/CHRM scholarship? Second, the special issue aims to showcase empirical evidence of work and employment regulation across the globe to enhance discussions about different approaches to research concerning regulation in IHRM/CHRM, and to further our understanding of the implications of these differences for the advancement of theory and research in IHRM/CHRM.
Deadline for submission: Friday 30th of October 2015
Employee Relations SI - Workplace regulation, employment and the state (Updated 24.03.15)
Employee Relations
This Special Issue follows from the ESRC Seminar Series on Regulation, Work and Employment1 and aims to provide a forum for discussions about the relationship between workplace regulation, employment and the State. This relationship has traditionally focused on the role of the State in addressing inequalities generated by economic policies and processes. However, in the context of economic globalisation, the State has been a driver to changes to the global political economy of labour. This has seen reforms to the State apparatus that have transformed it into both a service provider and a control provider. As a result, the role of the State has been reconfigured from regulator to facilitator in the creation of a new regime of control and employment relations (Martínez Lucio & Stuart, 2011). This has important implications for organisations as they take on more explicit roles as increasingly political and regulatory actors.
The deadline for submissions is 1st February 2016