Our Team
Dr. Jon Telling
- Lecturer in Geochemistry/Geomicrobiology Newcastle University
- Email: jon.telling@ncl.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (191) 208 7893
Dr. Emmal Safi
- Research Associate Newcastle University
- Email: emmal.safi@ncl.ac.uk
Mr. John Edgar
- Research Student Newcastle University
- Email: j.o.edgar2@newcastle.ac.uk
- PhD student at Newcastle University
Prof. John Parnell
- Chair in Geology & Petroleum Geology University of Aberdeen
- Email: j.parnell@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)1224 273464
Dr. Manish Patel
- Senior Lecturer (Research) in Planetary Sciences Open University
- Email: manish.patel@open.ac.uk
Prof. Jemma Wadham
- Professor in Glaciology University of Bristol
- Email: j.l.wadham@bristol.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0) 117 42 82352
Dr. Matt Chojnacki
- HiRISE Associate Staff Scientist University of Arizona
- Email: chojan1@pirl.lpl.arizona.edu
- Telephone: 520.626.0752
Ellen Satchwell
- MSc Student Newcastle University
Niall McCarthy
- MSc Student Newcastle University