Easter Social
- Venue: ICM coffee room, 2nd floor Leech building
- Start: Wed, 03 May 2017 15:00:00 BST
- End: Fri, 03 Mar 2017 16:00:00 GMT
Dear All,
On 3rd May from 3-4 pm we will be hosting an afternoon tea in the coffee room on the second floor of the William Leech building with a special Easter theme! This is open to all members of the Institute and is supported by the postgraduate network [prICM] and research staff [realICM] groups of the ICM.
Alongside the usual tea/coffee and biscuits we will have some additional Easter treats and a charity raffle with all proceeds going to the Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis charity. Tickets will be on sale on the day for £1 each with a variety of prizes up for grabs so bring along some extra small change. See the attached poster for more details.
On the run up to the afternoon tea we will also be having an Easter Egg Hunt. There are 14 colourful eggs each containing a letter - spot the letters to unravel the mystery word! To start you off we have attached one egg to this e-mail. The other 13 eggs have been hidden throughout the institute. All you need to do now is note down the remaining letters, solve the anagram and reveal the word to one of the RealICM or PrICM members at the afternoon tea. Each correct answer will win an extra treat and be entered into a special prize draw on the day!
We look forward to seeing you all there,
ICM, RealICM and PrICM