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Publications for Professor Martin White

Publications in Press


2007 Publications

Adams J, Martin-Ruiz C, Pearce MS, White M, Parker L, von Zglinicki T.  No association between socio-economic status and white blood cell telomere length.  Aging Cell.  Feb 2007; 6(1): 125.



2006 Publications

Adams J, White M.  Are the stages of change socio-economically distributed?  A scoping review.  American Journal of Health Promotion. 2006; 21(4): 237-247.

Adams J, White M and Holland L. Changes in socio-economic inequalities in census measures of health in England and Wales, 1991-2001.  Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2006; 60: 218-220.

Adams J, White M.  Is the disease risk associated with good self-reported health constant across the socio-economic spectrum?  Journal of Public Health. 2006; 120(1): 70-75

Adams J, White M, Moffatt S, Howel D and Mackintosh J.  A systematic review of the health, social and financial impacts of welfare rights advice delivered in healthcare settings.  BMC Public Health. 2006; 6: 81


2005 Publications

Adams J, Heywood P, White M.  Time trends in socio-economic inequalities in road traffic injuries to children, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear 1988-2003. Injury Prevention. 2005; 11: 125-126


Adams J, Pearce MS, White M, Unwin NC, Parker L.  No consistent association between birth weight and parental risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  Diabetic Medicine. 2005; 22: 950-953


Adams J, Ryan V, White M.  How accurate are Townsend Deprivation Scores?  A comparison with individual level data.  Journal of Public Health 2005; 27(1): 101-106.


Adams J, White M.  Socio-economic deprivation is associated with increased proximity to general practices in England: an ecological analysis.  Journal of Public Health. 2005; 27: 80-81.


Adams J, White M.  When the population approach puts the health of individuals at risk.  International Journal of Epidemiology. 2005; 34: 40-43.

Adams J, White M.  Is the disease risk associated with good self-reported health constant across the socio-economic spectrum?  Journal of Public Health. 2005;120: 70-75

Adams J, White M, Forman D.  Is the rate of biological ageing, as measured by age at diagnosis of cancer, socio-economically patterned?  Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.  2005; 59(2): 146-151.

Adams J, White M, Heywood P.  Year-round daylight saving and serious or fatal road traffic injuries in children in the North-East of England.  Journal of Public Health. 2005; 27(4): 316-317.

Bhopal RS, Fishbacher CM, Vartiainen E, Unwin NC, White M, Alberti KGMM.  Predicted and observed cardiovascular disease in South Asians: application of FINRISK, Framingham and SCORE models to Newcastle Heart Project data .  Journal of Public Health. 2005; 27(1): 93-100.


Fischbacher CM, White M, Bhopal RS, Unwin NC.  Self-reported work strain is lower in South Asians than Europeans: a cross sectional survey. Ethnicity and Health. 2005; 10(4): 279-92




2004 Publications


Adams J, Audisio RA, White M, Forman D.  Age-related variations in progression of cancer at diagnosis and completeness of cancer registry data.  Surgical Oncology. 2004; 13(4): 175-179.


Adams J, White M.  Is the Inverse Care Law no longer operating?  Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2004; 58(9): 802.


Adams J, White M.  Reducing inequalities in non-fatal accidents in England.  Journal of Public Health. 2004; 26(3): 317-320.


Adams J, White M. Biological ageing: a fundamental link between socio-economic status and health? European Journal of Public Health. 2004; 14(3); 331-334.


Adams J, White M, Forman D. Are there socio-economic gradients in the quality of data held by UK cancer registeries? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2004; 58:1052-1053

Adams J, White M, Foreman D.  Are there socio-economic gradients in stage and grade of breast cancer at diagnosis?  Cross-sectional analysis of UK cancer registry data.  British Medical Journal. 2004; 329: 142.


Adams J, White M, Pearce M, Parker L.  Lifecourse measures of socio-economic status and self-reported health at age 50: prospective cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2004; 58(12): 1028-1029.


Fischbacher CM, Blackwell CC, Bhopal R, Ingram R, Unwin NC, White M. Serological evidence of Helicobacter pylori infection in UK South Asian and European populations: implications for gastric cancer and coronary heart disease. Journal of Infection. 2004; 48: 168-74.


Syed AA, Irving JA, Redfern CP, Hall AG, Unwin NC, White M, Bhopal RS, Alberti KG, Weaver JU. Low prevalence of the N363S polymorphism of the glucocorticoid receptor in South Asians living in the United Kingdom. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2004; 89: 232-5. 



2003 Publications


Adams J, White M.  Evidence concerning social capital and health inequalities is still lacking.  Journal of Public Health Medicine.  2003; 25(2): 184-185.


Adams J, White, M.  Health benefits of green spaces not confirmed.  Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.  2003; 57: 312.


Adams J, White M, Barker G, Mathers J, Burn J. Are there socio-economic inequalities in age of resection of colorectal cancer in people with HNPCC? Family Cancer. 2003; 2: 169-73.


Fishbacher CM, Bhopal RS, Blackwell CC, Ingram R, Unwin N, White M, Alberti KGMM.  IgG is higher in South Asians than Europeans: does infection contribute to ethnic variation in cardiovascular disease?  Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. 2003; 23: 703-704.


Fischbacher CM, Bhopal R, Rutter MK, Unwin NC, Marshall SM, White M, Alberti KG. Microalbuminuria is more frequent in South Asian than in European origin populations: a comparative study in Newcastle, UK. Diabetic Medicine. 2003; 20: 31-36.


Parker L, Lamont DW, Unwin N, Pearce MS, Bennett SM, Dickinson HO, White M, Mathers JC, Alberti KG, Craft AW. A lifecourse study of risk for hyperinsulinaemia, dyslipidaemia and obesity (the central metabolic syndrome) at age 49-51 years. Diabetic Medicine. 2003; 20: 406-15.


Pollard TM, Carlin LE, Bhopal R, Unwin N, White M, Fischbacher C. Social networks and coronary heart disease risk factors in South Asians and Europeans in the UK. Ethnicity and Health. 2003; 8: 263-75.


Wormald H, Sleap M, White M, Brunton J, Hayes L, Waring M. Methodological issues in piloting a physical activity diary with young people. Health Education Journal. 2003; 62: 220-233.



2002 Publications


Bhopal R, Hayes L, White M, Unwin N, Harland J, Ayis S, Alberti G. Ethnic and socio-economic inequalities in coronary heart disease, diabetes and risk factors in Europeans and South Asians. Journal of Public Health Medicine. 2002; 24: 95-105.


Edwards R, White M, Gray J, Fischbacher C. Use of a journal club and letter-writing exercise to teach critical appraisal to medical undergraduates. Medical Education. 2001; 35: 691-4.


Hayes L, White M, Unwin N, Bhopal R, Fischbacher C, Harland J, Alberti KG.  Patterns of physical activity and relationship with risk markers for cardiovascular disease and diabetes in Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and European adults in a UK population. Journal of Public Health Medicine. 2002; 24: 170-8.




2001 Publications


Fischbacher C, Bhopal R, Patel S, White M, Unwin N, Alberti KG. Anaemia in Chinese, South Asian, and European populations in Newcastle upon Tyne: cross sectional study. British Medical Journal. 2001; 322: 958-9.


Fischbacher CM, Bhopal R, Unwin N, Walker M, White M, Alberti KG. Maternal transmission of type 2 diabetes varies by ethnic group: cross-sectional survey of Europeans and South Asians. Diabetes Care. 2001; 24: 1685-6.


Fischbacher CM, Bhopal R, Unwin N, White M, Alberti KG. The performance of the Rose angina questionnaire in South Asian and European origin populations: a comparative study in Newcastle, UK. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2001; 30: 1009-16.


Patel S, Bhopal R, Unwin N, White M, Alberti KG, Yallop J. Mismatch between perceived and actual overweight in diabetic and non-diabetic populations: a comparative study of South Asian and European women. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2001; 55: 332-3.


White M, Harland JO, Bhopal RS, Unwin N, Alberti KG. Smoking and alcohol consumption in a UK Chinese population. Public Health. 2001; 115: 62-9.




Publications from and prior to 2000


Birch D, White M, Kamali F.  Factors influencing alcohol and illicit drug use among medical students.  Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2000; 59: 125-130.


Bhopal R, Unwin N, White M, Yallop J, Walker L, Alberti KG, Harland J, Patel S, Ahmad N, Turner C, Watson B, Kaur D, Kulkarni A, Laker M, Tavridou A. Heterogeneity of coronary heart disease risk factors in Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and European origin populations: cross sectional study. British Medical Journal. 1999; 319: 215-20.


Lamont DW, Parker L, Cohen MA, White M, Bennett SM, Unwin NC, Craft AW, Alberti KG. Early life and later determinants of adult disease: a 50 year follow-up study of the Newcastle Thousand Families cohort. Public Health. 1998; 112: 85-93.


Lamont D, Parker L, White M, Unwin N, Bennett SM, Cohen M, Richardson D, Dickinson HO, Adamson A, Alberti KG, Craft AW. Risk of cardiovascular disease measured by carotid intima-media thickness at age 49-51: lifecourse study. British Medical Journal. 2000; 320: 273-8.


White M. Researching the changing social pattern of cardiovascular diseases. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2000; 54: 804-5.




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