Promoting Local Access to Children’s Early language and communication Support
Around 50% of children who find talking difficult are not referred for help. The PLACES study is finding out if we can help more children with their talking. Parents and carers of young children are key partners in helping with the study.
We will work with parents, local councils, Speech and Language Therapy teams, Health Visiting teams and early years settings (e.g. nurseries and childminders) in three areas in England. Together we will:
- Find out which families are not being reached by services that are already available, to help young children with their talking.
- Find out who could help these families and children with their talking.
- Adapt interventions that have good research evidence so they can be used in local contexts.
- Help local professionals and families to use these changed Language Support programmes and make sure help reaches to the young children who need it.
Learn more:
For Parents
For Early Years settings
For Health Professionals
For Researchers