
Sabine Weinert

  • Professor for Developmental Psychology

Original qualifications: Diploma Psychology 1985; PhD Psychology (on language learning in typically developing and language disordered children), Bielefeld, Germany 1990; Habilitation (on interrelations between the development of cognition and language) 1998

Employment: Researcher at the University of Bielefeld; Professor for developmental psychology at the Universities of Münster, Erfurt and Bamberg, Germany.

Research focus: Mechanisms, influential factors, and interrelations between language and cognitive development and their impact on socio-emotional development; diagnostics and promotion of development; language disorders with a particular interest in mechanisms of language learning.

Ambitions for SEED: I am especially interested in tracing and explaining the emergence of developmental disparities that are related to the child’s family background and how various child characteristics as well as environmental factors and their interactions bring about differences in cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development and how this impact’s further developmental progress and attainments in various domains of development