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Dr. Kilpi-Jakonen

Dr. Elina Kilpi-Jakonen has been appointed by the NORFACE Network Board as Scientific Programme Coordinator of the Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) programme. As Scientific Programme Co-ordinator she will work over the duration of the programme to bring together the funded projects and researchers outside the programme and to increase the networking, capacity building and impact of the programme. Dr. Kilpi-Jakonen started her work as of the beginning of April 2018.

Dr. Kilpi-Jakonen is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Turku University, Finland. Her research focuses on social inequalities in education and the labour market, particularly those related to ethnicity, gender and social origin. She works on the ERC-funded INDIRECT-project (Intergenerational Cumulative Disadvantage and Resource Compensation), which examines process of intergenerational social inequality and how lost family resources are compensated by other or other’s resources. Dr. Kilpi-Jakonen is Co-Editor of Social Inequality Across the Generations. The Role of Compensation and Multiplication in Resource Accumulation (Edward Elgar Publishing) and of Adult Learning in Modern Societies: Patterns and Consequences of Participation from a Life-Course Perspective (Edward Elgar Publishing). She has published on the above topics in journals such as British Journal of Sociology, Work, Employment and Society, International Review of Education, and Journal of Ethic and Migration Studies.

A press release on the appointment of Dr. Kilpi-Jakonen has been published on the NORFACE website:

Last modified: Tue, 01 May 2018 10:58:52 BST